Your Taurus Monthly Horoscope for January

Add these dates to your GCal:
Sunday, January 2: New Moon in Capricorn
Friday, January 14: Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius
Monday, January 17: Full Moon in Cancer
Tuesday, January 18: Uranus in Taurus Direct
Wednesday, January 19: North/South Nodes move into Taurus and Scorpio
Wednesday, January 19: Aquarius season begins
My darling Taurus, Happy New Year! While things may feel delayed as the year kicks off, there are some breakthroughs! This is a time to lay the groundwork for the rest of 2022. The month begins with a New Moon in your fellow earth sign, Capricorn, influencing your 9th house of higher knowledge, international matters, and wisdom. Handling a project with an international platform can also be a major focus for you as we start off the month. For other Taurus goddesses, you could see the value of going back to school or getting a certification. It’s time to level up your knowledge, sis!
Mercury Retrograde officially begins in the sign of Aquarius on January 14, and this will bring an energetic slowdown to your 10th house of professional life and career. This is of course not the best time to go on interviews or start new positions (but if the opportunity comes up, don't turn it down because of Mercury—just triple-check your resume for typos). Instead, a great time to take a look at what can be improved or revised. Opportunities from the past could resurface, or you could renegotiate a longstanding professional contract in order to improve your future. Take your time with important communication like emails and Zoom meetings, and if you can, hold off on negotiations until after the retrograde period clears.
On January 17, the Full Moon in Cancer is in your 3rd house of communication and thought. The Cancer Moon will form a magical connection with Neptune in Pisces in your 11th house of hopes, dreams, and your network. A little help from your friends could give you a boost, so it would be wise to reconnect with others during this time. Important meetings, paperwork, and agreements also can be a focus for you. Come through with the new opportunities, universe! The next day, Uranus also moves direct in Taurus and the Nodes of the Noon switch into your sign and Scorpio, kicking off a major 18-month period of personal growth.
On January 19, the Sun moves into Aquarius, shining an energetic spotlight on your career and professional life. The Sun will join Mercury Retrograde and Saturn in this sign, helping you take a second look at where you are professionally. It's not the time to initiate boss moves just yet—instead, reflect on what is most fulfilling to you for the long-term, and make decisions from that space.
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