Your Taurus Monthly Horoscope for January

Add These Dates to Your GCal:
Wednesday, January 13: New Moon in Capricorn
Sunday, January 17: Jupiter square Uranus
Tuesday, January 19: Sun enters Aquarius
Thursday, January 28: Full Moon in Leo
Saturday, January 30: Mercury Retrograde
Happy 2021, Taurus love! It’s no longer 2020, and that means there’s plenty to celebrate. Today, make a gratitude list—as you step into a new chapter, there's so much to be thankful for! First up, the New Moon in Capricorn blankets the night sky on January 13. This lunation occurs when the Sun and Moon occupy the same sign (in this case, Capricorn, a like-minded earth sign), highlighting the area of your chart associated with far-reaching, global endeavors. As you enter 2021, this is an excellent time to explore new ways you can expand your horizons. Single? Don’t be surprised if you find yourself engaging in steamy text exchanges with a long-distance lover. Attached? Plan an exciting (and pandemic-safe!!!) adventure with your lover. This cosmic motion encourages exploration and philosophy, so deepen your partnerships by cultivating your connection as co-pilots. Remember: Passports can only get you so far—real exploration takes place in your own backyard!
Next, on January 17, Jupiter in Aquarius forms a tense square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. These 90o angles can be a bit tricky to navigate—in fact, they’re notorious for causing conflict. This Jupiter-Uranus connection is aligning the areas of your chart associated with career and identity, respectively, so don’t be surprised if major professional shifts occur mid-month. Will you be launching your own business? Monetizing your YouTube channel? Demanding a promotion from your supervisor? Although the Jupiter-Uranus connection isn’t easy, trust that it will be extraordinarily rewarding. Be brave, Taurus!
A new celestial season begins on January 19, when the vibrant Sun slides into innovative Aquarius. You'll want to polish up résumé, dust off your blazer, and get ready to celebrate your inner CEO. It's time to shine! This is a lucky time for your professional aspirations, so don’t be afraid to take advantage of whatever exciting career opportunities are presented under this sky. No need to apologize in asking for exactly what you want—’tis the season to celebrate your fullest potential!
On January 28, the night sky will be electrified by a Full Moon in Leo, activating the area of your chart connected to family and foundation. Where do you come from, Taurus? What is your origin story? Whether you're exploring it in a journal or sharing it with a friend, this is a great lunation to explore your personal mythology. You may not be able to change the past, but the future is yours to define.
Finally, the first month of the highly anticipated New Year is not without drama: Mercury Retrograde begins on January 30, so don’t be surprised if you slip on a (proverbial) banana peel as you slide into February. This time, it's activating your career zone, so be sure to keep an eye on your work email—you don’t want to accidentally send your boss that steamy draft you crafted for your crush. Yikes!
Happy New Year! Treat yourself to some astro merch:
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