Teens accidentally solve murder mystery during routine outing: 'This is freaky'
During a routine randonauting session, a group of teenagers in Seattle, Washington, came across a mysterious, abandoned suitcase.

During a routine randonauting session, a group of teenagers in Seattle, Washington, came across a mysterious, abandoned suitcase that had human remains inside of it.
For those who are unfamiliar with the term, “randonauting” is using a random number generator to come up with specific coordinates in your area to explore. (More on that here.)
On June 21, one of the teens involved in the incident named Henry posted a video about what happened on TikTok.
“Randonaut sent us to this part of the beach … and we found this black suitcase,” Henry said in the video. “We were joking that maybe the suitcase would have money.”
When Henry and his friends get closer to the suitcase, Henry can be heard saying, “It stinks, y’all.”
Once the suitcase was fully opened, Henry said that the smell “was overwhelming.”
Eventually, Henry and his friends, who were “a little scared and nervous,” decided to call the police to see “if it’s actually a dead body or if it’s just food.”
Well, as Henry later found it, there was actually a dead body inside the suitcase. According to a report from Seattle Police News, police found “several bags containing human remains” in the area where Henry and his friends located the suitcase.
Naturally, people are disturbed by Henry’s discovery — especially since Randonautica led him to it.
“Okay but the fact that RANDONAUT LED THEM THERE is just insane!!!!” one person said.
“Hell nah…this is freaky as hell,” another user commented.
“This is kind of sad and happy. Someone was leading you to find their remains, so they could finally find peace,” a third user noted. “A little dark, but a little poetic.”
Some TikTok users are speculating that the dead body is the handiwork of a serial killer in the Seattle area, though the police have yet to comment on this.
Either way, if you live in the greater Seattle area, stay safe!
For more creepy content, check out this TikTok user who spotted a creepy flying object in their security footage.
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