Be thankful for hearts filled with peace and gratitude | Rosalind Tompkins
Let’s face it, this Thanksgiving Holiday comes at a time when the world is filled with images of babies and children killed in war as Israel continues to attack Palestine because of Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel that killed thousands in October of this year.
It’s hard to be thankful and not feel a tinge of guilt as we celebrate with family and friends while others have loved ones that have died and are being held hostage in this war.
In Colossians 3:15 it says, Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
The only way that I have found that I can truly do that is through faith and hope. When I was growing up, like my grandchildren, I loved to eat candy. And I particularly liked Now and Later chews. I remember when I was a youngster, they were a lot harder than they are now.
The reason that I liked Now and Later candy is because they were individually wrapped so that you could enjoy some now and save some for later, which I seldom did. Now and Later candy reminds me of faith and hope.
Faith is for the present as we go through our lives facing trials and tribulations, but hope is for later because it is future oriented. So, I have faith for now and I have hope for the future.
During this holiday season let us hold onto our faith and hope so that peace can at least be in our hearts as we are thankful. I believe that if peace fills enough hearts wars will have to cease and that brings me hope
To receive inspiration and hope please listen to our Thanksgiving Think Hope Podcast with Emmy winning journalist, reporter, and vocalist, Mr. Kelly Wright at and Apple Podcast, Audible, and Amazon Radio.
Rosalind Y. Tompkins received a doctorate of humanities degree from the Five Fold Ministry Theological University in 2012. Find out more at
This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Keep peace and hope in your heart this Thanksgiving
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