Theatres and live gigs must not bow down to perpetual Covid tyranny
Last night, Boris Johnson reassured the nation that “we set out our roadmap and we’re sticking to it”. Next Monday, the Prime Minister said, he would be “cautiously but irreversibly raising a pint of beer to my lips”.
Nothing good ever lasts. As with much of the Government’s approach to the pandemic, it quickly became clear that life won’t be returning to normal any time soon. Their (somewhat furtive) announcements of reviews, new guidance and vaccine-passport trials paint a slightly different picture.
While both Johnson and Labour’s Keir Starmer have rubbished the idea of vaccine passports for pubs and restaurants – Starmer described such ID checks to The Telegraph last week as “un-British” – it seems the arts may be expected to act as a Covid border-force. Theatregoers, cinema fans and clubbers will need to pack tickets, keys, wallet, phone and lipstick – and now, perhaps, their medical records too. The Government’s first Roadmap Review explained that “Covid-status certification [ie. vaccine passports] is likely to become a feature of our lives until the threat from the pandemic recedes”. The bar is purposefully being set very low: “threat” is a term so ill-defined it has come to lose all meaning, and what constitutes a “receding” of the virus is also up for debate.
Being unclear can have serious consequences. Liverpool’s Hot Water Comedy Club found itself in, well, hot water, after it was announced as a venue taking part in a “certification” trial. In fact, the comedy club was taking part in the first phase of the Government’s Events Research Programme, in which big events with big audiences will use testing and social-distancing alone to see whether they adequately protect visitors against infection. As a result of the Government’s screw-up, the club’s owners have had to deal with “600 to 700 emails a day” with punters rankled at the idea of vaccine passports and demanding refunds.
Have arts and cultural venues become too reliant on missives from Downing Street? While every sensible person understands the need for caution to stave off a third wave like that currently threatening our European neighbours, the unquestioning compliance with the Government’s safety-first approach is concerning, too. In their desperation to re-open as quickly as possible, many liberal arts institutions are forgetting that they’re supposed to be liberal.
There is, at least, still some squeamishness about the idea of delving into people’s personal details on opening night. Olivier Award-winning theatrical producer Patrick Gracey has warned that “British theatre should not rush to embrace potentially coercive measures such as health passports”. Some have held to a firmer stance: the UK Cinema Association assured customers over Easter that it “does not believe that it is appropriate to ask someone to prove they have undertaken a medical procedure, or to undergo a medical test, to access what is supposed to be a place of entertainment and enjoyment”.
Introducing vaccine passports would not only ruin the unregulated atmosphere of a festival or music venue, but pose serious practical challenges. Every museum, theatre and arts institution in town has spent the last decade terrified of being unable to draw in a youthful, trendy audience, but requiring certification at the doors is a perfect way to put them off again. I’m of the generation that got away with doctoring photocopies of our passports and memorising star-signs to get into clubs using older siblings’ driving licences – a healthy youthful rebellion that was ruined by the introduction of ID scanners.
Besides, if the success of the Test and Trace programme is anything to go by, the idea that young people will download digital certificates to show them to club bouncers is ludicrous. More importantly, if the vaccine programme is going so well, and we’ll all be vaccinated by the summer as promised, why would each individual need proof?
In the same vein, would mass testing, if it became long-term, not risk the possibility of new closures every time there’s a viral flare-up? Anyone who has put on a large event – as I have, with the 4,000-people-strong Battle of Ideas festival – knows that large productions, from theatre to opera, require extensive lead-times. The threat of closure on the basis of a handful of positive tests might be enough to prevent some from bothering to open again.
What constitutes “safe” and “normal” in the world of the arts has long been radically different to the realm of shops, restaurants and everyday life. Arts venues are sites of rebellion, verging on illegality. John Millington Synge’s 1907 play The Playboy of the Western World mentioned knickers and patricide; the opening nights in Dublin and New York were ruined by the audience, who threw stink-bombs and rosaries.
At 1970s music venues, punks engaged in the (totally non-Covid-secure) practice of swapping spit with their favourite bands, gobbing on stage at Johnny Rotten and Siouxsie Sioux. Marina Abramovi?’s 1974 performance-art piece Rhythm 0, in which spectators were invited to touch her body with a range of objects, ended in her throat being slashed and a gun pointed at her head.
The public, when challenged, don’t always respond in the required manner – and, as much as the artists’ own pushing of boundaries, that public reaction is integral to the most transformative moments in our culture. The arts aren’t supposed to play by the rules or wallow in normality. We might all agree that flying phlegm is inadvisable in a pandemic (or otherwise), but too much caution will kill this vibrant sector, whose life revolves around its spontaneity. Mass testing and vaccine passports are against the artistic spirit – and requiring ID to engage in British cultural life sets a dangerous precedent.
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