Tiffani Thiessen on Being A Teen Idol: ‘All of That is So Superficial’

Tiffani Thiessen, also known as Bayside High head cheerleader Kelly Kapowski, talks motherhood with Yahoo Beauty. (Photo: Instagram)
From 1989 to 1993 (and every year in syndication thereafter), young girls idolized Bayside High head cheerleader Kelly Kapowski on Saved by The Bell. She had perfect skin (save for that one episode about an epic zit), and beautiful long brown hair. Oh, and she was the girlfriend of Zack Morris. Swoon!
After the final bell (as well as some some spinoffs), Kelly a.k.a. Tiffani Thiessen acted on the TV shows Beverly Hills, 90210, White Collar, and Fastlane, and films – rocking different (and sometimes scary) beauty looks along the way.
In person, Theissen is sweet, and patient, and bubbly, too, which is apparent through her self-titled website. “I felt [the site] was like my way and my extension of showing a little bit more of my life and what I love to do. Most people know me as an actress. People really didn’t know I had another whole side.” The 41-year-old currently hosts the Cooking Channel program Dinner at Tiffani’s, which just started filming Season 2. It features fun celeb guests, like Lance Bass and former co-star Elizabeth Berkley. “We’re shooting that for a little while! I’m still in the throes of being a new mom of two.”
In the midst of motherhood and making dinner for the masses, the ex-beauty pageant contestant helped increase breast cancer awareness at Ulta Beauty in West Hollywood last week. Thiessen joined eight breast cancer survivors who received their first haircuts post-chemo. “Breast Cancer has definitely hit home for me. My mother-in-law was diagnosed over a year ago. I just recently had a very close girlfriend of mine who was diagnosed as well,” says the Long Beach, Calif. native. “Being that it’s a women’s disease, it’s only fitting that all of us women stick together. It was a special day for these women to come out – they’re breast cancer survivors. We’re making them feel beautiful and feel like the superheroes they are.”

Tiffani Thiessen as Kelly Kapowski on Saved by the Bell. (Photo: Getty)
Yahoo Beauty: Before you had kids, you were a teen idol to millions. What kind of pressures did you face in that role?
Tiffani Thiessen: I definitely felt it at different points in my life; fitting into a stereotype here and there. The one thing I’ve learned, the older I’ve gotten – now I’m in my 40s – all of that is so superficial. Being healthy, first of all, is the number one priority. And that is beautiful. Being happy: that is beautiful. It’s not how thin you are or what size jeans you put yourself into. We definitely have the stresses of wanting certain things. But I felt more pressure, even with [daughter] Harper, of making sure I got into my jeans sooner than later [after giving birth].
How did that mentality change when your son Holt was born?
With my second one around, it’s been a little bit harder, but I’m definitely also giving myself a break. I’m like, “You know what? All I can do is workout and eat healthy, and when the weight comes off, the weight comes off!” My kids are my priority right now, being healthy for him and making sure he gets what he needs.
Did you feel beautiful pregnant?
I remember being pregnant both times. You may not be the thinnest. You may not feel the most beautiful. At the same time, you do feel beautiful because you’re creating something. It’s that super woman feeling that you have.
Has motherhood changed your beauty routine?
My beauty routine is much quicker! You don’t get as much time. My showers are shorter. My makeup application is shorter. My hair is never dry, unless I’m having it done professionally or working. If it’s just me, it’s usually up in a ponytail or a bun half wet. That’s just being a mom! Your priorities definitely change. It’s sweet. I love that my daughter is at the age now that she has her opinions. It’s cute when she’ll say, “Mommy, I like when your hair is down,” or I “I like when your hair is up,” or “I like when you wear that.” It’s sweet. You know it’s coming from a true, completely honest place; from a child.

Tiffani Thiessen with the ultimate ‘80s makeup as Kelly Kapowski on Saved by the Bell. (Photo: Getty)
Flashback to your own childhood. What were your favorite beauty looks from the Saved By The Bell era?
The ‘80s; hard to pick. There was a lot of brightness; a lot of big bangs. [On] 90210, I went onto that show – it was one of the first times I chopped my hair off really short. I loved it. That was definitely a favorite of mine. It was a departure for me, having long hair my whole life.
What beauty looks from the ‘90s should we bring back? What should never make reappearance?
I don’t want to say I’m embarrassed, but I can’t say I’ll be repeating any of them.
What’s the oddest beauty thing you’ve done for a role or on set?
I did a horror film where they had to put a lot of blood and stuff on me. It’s always pretty crazy anytime you have to do prosthetics. That’s always a very strange thing to have on your body or your face. I did a show called Fastlane. My hair was blonde and short and they wanted it dark and long. I had to dye it dark. That was the first time they put a more intense extension in my hair. I had never worn extensions in my life!

Tiffani Thiessen as a teen idol in the ‘80s. (Photo: Getty)
The survivors at the event are cutting their hair today. What have breast cancer survivors, including your mother-in-law and friend, taught you about resilience?
Us women, and us mothers, we take on a lot. We have a lot of responsibility; especially these days when most mothers now are working mothers and we’re raising our kids. It only goes to show you how amazing we are. Supportive other women can really help push that along even further. Today is really special because we’re giving back a little bit. As a woman, when you feel beautiful, you feel even stronger. That can be hard when you’re battling breast cancer and going through chemotherapy. A lot of things get stripped from you. We’re trying to build that up with these women. Some of them are growing their hair back and so it’s nice to give them a beautiful haircut and color it; give them the time to put them back into that place where they’re feeling like a woman and feeling beautiful.
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