How To Transfer Colleges When You Think You Want To Switch Schools

People always say that college is the best years of your life. Whether you decided to go off to community college at first or head straight to a four-year university, college is sure to be one of the biggest experiences you'll have. That doesn't mean everything will work out right away, however, and there are people who decide to transfer out of their college due to a variety of reasons. If you're planning to transfer schools, there are a number of things to consider before take the big step.
Here's how and why you should transfer colleges...
Think About Why You're Transferring
Before taking the big step to transfer, take a second to realize why you're taking this step in the first place.
Is it for financial reasons? Take a second to see if your school offers some assistance and go speak to your financial aid office.
Is it because of your roommate/current experience? Talk to your housing department and see what can be done.
Is it because you're struggling academically? Visit your local tutoring center and talk to your counselor.
Is it because you don't feel at home at your college? Talk to your counselor and see why that is. Maybe you're homesick or maybe you haven't gotten the chance to get yourself out there more.
No matter what the reason is, take a moment to see what your other options are before deciding to transfer. Talk to your RA, counselor, professor, or a trusted school official for some guidance. They can help you explore all possible options, especially if you would like to stay at your current school.
If you still feel like you need to transfer, that's completely okay. For some people, transferring colleges makes a huge and positive impact!
How to Decide Where to Transfer
Now that you've decided to transfer to a different institution, you're going to have to take a look at what colleges you want to transfer to. Each school has its own process as well as its own deadlines. Some school do not accept transfers mid-year and others require transfer students to complete specific programs before being able to qualify.
You will also want to take a look at what credits will transfer over to your new school, as your new institution might not accept all of them. Make a plan of classes you'll have to take in your planned major and see what qualifies for requirements. This can help you decide whether you want to transfer and if you have to take extra classes before making the switch.
Once you decided on which colleges, try to take the time to visit their campuses or reach out to admissions counselors to find out more about the institution. Transferring can be a long process and you definitely only want to do it once, so take the time to make a decision you're comfortable with.
How to Start the Transfer Process
Now that you have a list of other colleges that you want to transfer to, it's time to start the paperwork process. Unlike applying to colleges as a new student, high school grades/transcripts aren't as necessary, but might still be required. SAT scores will also not hold as much value, depending on what year you are currently in.
Each school has their own transfer application/process to complete. Get ready to ask your current professors/school professionals for letters of recommendation and the office of records and registration for an official school transcript. Check out College Transfer to see what each school needs.
Start filling out applications and figure out what each school needs. Some colleges also require a certain amount of credits to be completed before initiating a transfer. Most colleges have their applications due in March and April.
Once you finish up all your applications and send in all your paperwork, then you're all set!
What Happens After the Application Process
Now for the hardest part. Just like the regular college application process, you are going to have to wait until you hear back from each institution after they go through each application.
Once you get your acceptances, you can start making decisions as to where you want to go out of all the colleges you got accepted into. Most colleges have a set date when you have give your decision and start paying for your next semester. Be on the lookout for special programs that the school may have for transfer students as well as scholarships set aside for transfers.
Most schools also have a transfer orientation day, which means you might have to be on campus sometime during the summer/before the semester begins to register for classes and talk with an advisor to see what classes did not transfer over.
Once you're all settled in, it's time to just relax and enjoy college in your new school! Start to get to know your classmates, join some clubs, and get to know that campus as you begin your first semester in your new school.
Tamara Fuentes is the Entertainment Editor at Seventeen. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!
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