I Tried TikTok's ADHD "Dump Zones" To Get Organized And It's Transformed My Home
Anyone with ADHD knows the struggle of staying neat and organized. And the more cluttered things tend to get, the more overwhelmed and out of control they often become. It becomes a mental battle to try to get everything back in its place (and keep it there). It can be totally frustrating, not to mention make losing receipts, important paper documents, your keys, and easier to do.
Luckily, TikTok has so many awesome life hacks to help those of us with ADHD. One amazing idea I just stumbled across that is literally changing my life is "dump zones." These are designated baskets, trays, and containers that are for dumping and corralling objects throughout the day to your space less cluttered and more organized.
TikTok user @divergentcoachkelly shared the "dump zone" tip, explaining that this method helps "reduce the cognitive load required to decide where things go." This helps keep clutter at bay, keep things tidier, and keep your mind more at peace. It's organized chaos, if you will.
You can keep dump zones out in the open wherever clutter tends to gather or even store some in closets for hats, shoes, gloves, pet supplies, and other necessities. I've personally implemented dump zones in my coat closet as well as in high traffic areas like my kitchen, entryway, and desk. Dump zones help me keep track of everything I need so much better and make keeping a clean home that much easier too.
Dump zones also help reduce my anxiety because I know I'm keeping better track of important things like receipts and mail. I know exactly where to go to find a document whenever I need it because dump zones become reflexive.
When it comes down to it, tidying is a habit and finding tools to help you succeed are imperative, especially if you live with ADHD or other types of neurodivergence.
Related: Woman's List of Must Have Dollar Tree Organizers Is a Total Game Changer for Neat Freaks
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