'Trump's deporting your illegal cousins today': Driver who harassed mother and child apologizes

A Texas man harassed a woman and her child on their way to the voting polls, screaming racist insults. (Photo: Youtube/handymanconstru)
A Texas man harassed a woman and her child on their way to the voting polls, screaming racist insults. (Photo: Youtube/handymanconstru)

A man who harassed a mother and her child driving to the voting polls in Texas — screaming “Trump’s deporting your illegal cousins today!” — now says he “reacted in a poor manner.”

On Oct. 25, Janet Sabriu, a naturalized citizen and married mother in Houston, recorded the attack while driving to a polling station with her 2-year-old daughter, according to local news station KHOU 11. The man drove up alongside the family and yelled out the window, “You’re driving in two lanes, you stupid b****. That’s not how we drive in America. Trump’s deporting your illegal cousins today.”

He also yelled, “Learn English, b****. It’s my country. Get out!” and “You’re ugly. You need a gay friend to help you with makeup and clothes.”

The next day, Sabriu filed a police report with the Houston Police Department, a representative of which tells Yahoo Lifestyle that the district attorney’s office declined to press charges against the suspect. However, the city prosecutor will now determine whether misdemeanor charges apply.

On Saturday, Houston police chief Art Acevedo tweeted, “The Houston Police Department is aware of this incident and investigators have been assigned to determine what, if any, crime was committed. Regardless of our finding, the behavior exhibited is abhorrent.”

The man, who requested to be called “Kevin” after receiving death threats, told local news station KTRK Saturday, “All I want to say to her is ‘Miss, I’m so sorry, I hope you can understand more and I wish you nothing more than love and happiness for your family.'”

“I reacted in a very poor manner, I said things that were offensive that I shouldn’t have said, but what I want people to know is that I suffer from bipolar disorder,” he said. “It’s very real, it’s not a joke, it’s not an excuse. This woman, I want her to know and everyone to know is as much of an American citizen as I am.”

“Kevin” also told KTRK that had he realized Sabriu’s child was present, he wouldn’t have verbally attacked the mom.

Yahoo Lifestyle could not reach Sabriu for comment. She told KHOU 11, “It’s not OK racists. It’s not OK (to allow) bullying. We have to stop all of this hate and the only way is respecting everybody, every human being.”

“That’s the best lesson you can show somebody,” she said. “Speak up. Don’t be afraid. That’s the only way that we can stop all this hate is just showing and exposing the people because I think the majority (are) good people that don’t want this to continue.”

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