Try These Odd Activities For A Refreshing Day Off

smiling woman hugging self against sky in public park
12 Odd Activities For A Refreshing Day OffWestend61 - Getty Images

Your day off should be spent doing things you enjoy—whether indulging in a hobby you love, catching up on TV shows, seeing friends, or just laying in bed. That said, you don't want your precious time off to become repetitive with the same activities every time it comes up. Sometimes, trying something new can leave you feeling even more refreshed than your tried-and-true comforting routines.

We've put together a list of odd activities that will leave you feeling less stressed, more relaxed, and maybe even a bit productive. These might not be the first things that come to mind when you think about how you normally spend your time, but that's the whole point. Who knows, you might even find a new hobby or activity that you'll end up doing more regularly.

Color or Paint

While coloring or painting sounds like an activity reserved for small children or serious artists at work, it's something anyone can, and should, pick up as a hobby. Coloring can be extremely therapeutic—one 2022 study even found that, for patients with generalized anxiety disorder, coloring therapy can help reduce depression, anxiety, and negative emotions, while improving positive moods.

Get yourself an adult coloring book and a new box of crayons, colored pencils, or markers. If you prefer to paint, a starter acrylic set is great, or watercolors which are easy to clean and look beautiful. Get creative, have fun, and let your mind wander as you do this. By the end, you'll feel refreshed and relaxed.

adult coloring books
vgajic - Getty Images

Go To a Salt Cave

Have a few hours to yourself? Do a quick Google search to seek out a salt cave room near you. A salt cave is a climate-controlled room filled with, you guessed it-- salt. Proponents of salt caves swear that they leave you feeling super relaxed and even help your breathing. Some clinical trials have also confirmed that salt therapy can help relieve symptoms of respiratory issues like sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, and asthma. It's a great shakeup to your day off either solo or with a group.

salt cave ritual for a woman in a health spa
Lorado - Getty Images

Make a Mood Board

Putting together a mood board is fun, relaxing, and even feels a little bit productive. A mood board is a collage of images that express some sort of visual or idea. They're usually themed and you can fill them with any images that spark inspiration for you. To make one by hand, cut images out of magazines, newspapers, or anything you have lying around. If you want to go virtual, you can also do this on Pinterest easily. This is a great way to put some goals together and to visualize what you want for the future.

clothing designer looking at sketches, rear view
Jon Feingersh - Getty Images

Watch Old Cartoons

Sometimes a refreshing day off means doing absolutely nothing but lounging on the couch in sweatpants. If that's what you need, then try watching something different than your usual comfort watches you throw on. Stream some of your favorite old cartoons—you know, the ones you used to watch and love as a kid. They'll make you smile and feel nostalgic, and maybe you'll understand a joke for the parents that went over your head at the time.

movie night at home
Riska - Getty Images

Try Sound Bath Meditation

Traditional meditation is a great way to relieve stress and feel more centered. But if you want to do something different, try sound bath meditation. Sound bath meditation immerses you in different deep sound vibrations using singing bowls. Find a professional to do this for you, because it can have tons of benefits. Studies have shown that sound baths can help with anxiety, depression, fatigue, and anger, as well as improve blood pressure and heart rate. It should leave you feeling calm, happy, and rested.

in a medium shot, the hand of a young woman forms a yoga gesture
Peggy Cheung - Getty Images

Turn Your Phone Off All Day

Changes are good in today's world that you're due for a much-needed phone break. Wake up, turn your phone off (at least put it on do not disturb), and set it aside so it's out of your sight. Spend the day living in the moment, not checking social media, and just experiencing everything around you without the phone in your hand. Even if you feel an itch to know what's going on, it's really rewarding to spend a day away from your favorite screens.

close up of teenage girl in bedroom using smart phone
The Good Brigade - Getty Images

Repurpose Old Clothes

This is a fun craft and productive all at once. Start by going through your clothes to find items you no longer want—make one bag of clothing you can donate or sell, and sort out other items that may not be in the best condition. Use that second bag for crafting. You can repurpose old clothing into useful items like rags for cleaning, tote bags, or pillowcases. You can also turn certain clothes into other clothes, like making a T-shirt into a tank top. This is a fun, sustainable activity that'll leave you feeling accomplished at the end.

side view of woman searching in wardrobe at home
Maskot - Getty Images

Organize Your Recipes

Another productive activity that won't take too much out of you is organizing your recipe collection. Chances are good that you have a pile of recipes taken out of magazines or passed down from relatives, and also maybe a virtual collection of saved recipes you've loved. Go through everything and make an organized folder or book, and you can make a Pinterest Board or other type of digital collection if you don't want to print. You'll thank yourself later—no more forgetting recipes in your house!

old recipe books and hand written recipes
? Jackie Bale - Getty Images

Nap Outside

A nap is not only a great way to catch up on some extra rest, but it can also leave you feeling invigorated for future activities. If the weather is comfortable enough, head outside to get some rest. Resting on a hammock or lounge chair amid a light breeze and some sunlight can be incredibly relaxing and is a nice way to enjoy warm weather. Don't let anyone tell you differently, taking a nap when your body calls for it is refreshing and a great use of your time.

woman relaxing in a hammock
South_agency - Getty Images

Sing in The Shower

Sure, it's kind of a cliche, but singing in the shower is also genuinely fun. If you're home alone, you can really belt it out without worrying about anyone hearing you. Blast your favorite music and sing along to it while washing up, and feel free to be as loud or dramatic as you want to be.

lovely song in my bath
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Write a Letter to Someone

Thanks to email, texting, and social media, writing letters isn't relied on as much, but sending and receiving a letter still feels great. Write something to a friend or family member who lives far away, even just a simple postcard with a few kind words, and they'll certainly appreciate the personal touch. You'd be surprised how it feels to write a letter over typing a digital message if you haven't done it in a while. If you really need to let some things go, write a letter you never plan on sending—the action can really lift a weight off your shoulders and clear heavy thoughts.

peaceful afternoons of writing
SolStock - Getty Images

Do a Cold Plunge

Cold plunging, AKA jumping in ice-cold water, is a huge trend right now, and it does have some useful benefits. It can help ease sore muscles and decrease inflammation, and proponents of this health trend say it helps them feel more focused, clear-headed, and invigorated. You can go to a spa or somewhere similar for a cold plunge bath among other wellness benefits, find a cool lake and make a whole trip out of it, make an icy bath at home, or see if there is a Polar Bear Plunge event in your area.

woman about to jump into cold ice water whilst at the beach in sweden
Cavan Images - Getty Images

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