Ugh, Why Am I So Gassy? Here Are 8 Common Reasons, According to GI Docs
Passing gas is a fact of life; everyone does it, and it would actually be more concerning if someone had never passed gas than if they had. But if gassiness is something you’re experiencing more than you feel is normal, it can be a tricky problem to troubleshoot.
“Gassiness and bloating are some of the most common symptoms patients describe in the gastroenterologist's office,” says Dr. Leon S. Maratchi, MD, a board-certified gastroenterologist at Gastro Health. Dr. Kyle Staller, MD, MHP, a board-certified gastroenterologist and the director of the Gastrointestinal Motility Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital, says it’s a top complaint he hears from patients as well. When patients express to him that they feel gassy all the time, first, he asks them to clarify exactly what they mean. Dr. Staller says that for some people, gassiness means belching a lot. For others, it means bloating and feeling an abnormal amount of gas in the GI tract. Some are primarily concerned with flatulence. Some people regularly experience gassiness in the morning and others at night.
When you’re meeting with a gastroenterologist, it’s important to be specific about what you mean. And there’s no need to feel embarrassed; talking about gassiness is their job, after all. However you define gassiness, both doctors say that there are some causes that pop up on a regular basis as the culprit. Below are the top eight reasons they find for gassiness.
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8 Common Reasons for Feeling Gassy
1. You’ve recently upped your fiber consumption
Fiber is a key nutrient for health and it’s one the vast majority of people don’t eat enough of. However, Dr. Staller says that if someone significantly increases their fiber intake in a short amount of time, it can lead to feeling gassy. This, he says, is because their digestive system isn’t used to processing so much at once.
Dr. Maratchi agrees, saying, “If we consume too much fiber, typically over 70 grams per day, bloating and gas can occur. Fiber makes bowel movements bigger and bulkier and also promotes fermentation and gas formation. This is why excessive fiber intake causes gassiness.”
Dr. Staller emphasizes that gassiness shouldn’t be a sign to cut fiber out of your life. Instead, he says to increase your intake slowly. Dr. Maratchi says that drinking water with fiber-rich meals can also help dilute the fiber, making it easier on the digestive system.
2. You’re sensitive to FODMAP foods
FODMAP stands for fermentable oligo-, di- and monosaccharides and polyols. Dr. Staller explains that FODMAP foods are primarily carbohydrates, which bacteria in the body ferment and turn into gas. Because of this, he says that FODMAP foods are more likely to cause gassiness than other types of foods. For this reason, a GI doctor may suggest a low-FODMAP diet to someone who experiences gassiness regularly.
Dr. Staller says that sticking to a low-FODMAP diet is quite restrictive and cuts out many nutrient-rich foods from one’s diet. Because of this, it’s not meant to follow long-term. Also, someone may only be sensitive to certain types of FODMAPs and don’t need to eliminate all FODMAP types from their diet. Since it’s so complicated, Dr. Staller recommends working with both a GI doctor and a dietitian or nutritionist. That way, you can make sure you’re still getting all your needed nutrients and also working toward a plan of transitioning off the low-FODMAP diet.
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3. You’re sensitive to dairy
There’s something to the question, “Who cut the cheese?”; both doctors say that a lot of people are sensitive to lactose-containing foods, which can cause gassiness. “Humans are the only mammal that drinks milk directly from other species into adulthood. As children we possess an enzyme in our small intestine, lactase, that helps to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk. As we age, our body’s ability to digest lactose decreases as the production of lactase wanes,” Dr. Maratchi says. “Therefore, consuming dairy products like milk, cheese and ice cream can lead to bloating, gassiness, flatulence and a noisy stomach.”
If you can relate, he suggests taking a lactose supplement before eating dairy products. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of dairy-free alternatives on the market, too.
4. You’re intolerant or sensitive to another type of food
While dairy is a common sensitivity, Dr. Staller says that other sensitivities or intolerances can cause gassiness, too. “For example, if someone is intolerant to gluten, eating wheat or another gluten-containing food could potentially cause gassiness,” he says. If you’re not sure what is causing your symptoms, he suggests keeping a food diary, writing down what you eat and how you feel afterward.
5. There’s artificial sweetener in your food or drink
If you like to complement your meal with a soda, Splenda-spiked coffee, or other drink that contains artificial sweetener, it could be the reason why you feel gassy. Dr. Staller says that sorbitol, in particular (often found in diet sodas and fruit juices), isn't digested well by pretty much anyone. It’s a sneaky cause of gassiness that many aren’t aware of.
Additionally, Dr. Maratchi says that carbonated beverages can cause gassiness for some people, making diet soda a double whammy. “Carbonated beverages introduce air in the form of carbon dioxide into our stomach, leading to bloating and belching after we consume soda, seltzer or beer,” he says.
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6. It’s right before your period
Dr. Staller says that, for menstruating women, it’s not uncommon to feel gassy right before they get their period. This, he says, is caused by fluctuating hormones. One study found that participants (healthy menstruating women taking oral contraceptives) reported more gastrointestinal discomfort on day 1 of menstrual bleeding compared to other days of their menstrual cycles.
7. You’re eating too fast
“We all know someone who eats their lunch too fast, especially if they are on the run or pressed for time,” Dr. Maratchi says. He explains that when we ‘inhale’ our food, we swallow air while we eat. “That air gets trapped in our stomach and can lead to gas, bloating and indigestion,” he says. Take this as a sign to slow down while you eat.
8. You could have IBS, SIBO or another gastrointestinal issue
In addition to all the potential causes of gassiness already highlighted, the doctors say that it could be an indication of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), or another gastrointestinal issue. This is another reason why it’s important to talk to a GI doctor if gassiness is something you’re experiencing on a regular basis. With their help, you can pinpoint the underlying problem and come up with a treatment plan.
It bears repeating that gas is normal and something everyone experiences. But if feeling gassy is getting in the way of you living your normal life, it’s time to see a doctor about it. With their help, your gassiness will, well, pass.
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Dr. Leon S. Maratchi, MD, board-certified gastroenterologist at Gastro Health
Dr. Kyle Staller, MD, MHP, board-certified gastroenterologist and the director of the Gastrointestinal Motility Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital
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