View images of a strong performance of Metal Allegiance in Sayreville, NJ

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Photos/review by Frank White

Metal Allegiance onstage 2024: Vocalist Troy Sanders (Mastodon) and bassist Dave Ellefson.
Metal Allegiance onstage 2024: Vocalist Troy Sanders (Mastodon) and bassist Dave Ellefson.

The Metal Allegiance show hit the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, New Jersey on September 6 to honor a 10th Anniversary. The band members of Metal Allegiance tour and record as a who's who of the heavy-metal genre. The Metal Allegiance phenomenon began as a celebration of metallic music in general, formed by bassist Mark Menghi and solidified with revered trailblazers like drummer Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater), guitarist Alex Skolnick (Testament) and bassist Dave Ellefson (Megadeth), releasing a debut album in 2015 with many guests from the metal community.

The shared vocalists duties for Sayreville's one-off East coast cover show were John Bush from Armored Saint and Troy Sanders from Mastodon. Portnoy had the drum spot, filling the lineup out with bass players Menghi and Ellefson and guitarists  Skolnick, Doc Coyle and Dave Davison.

The show would have a revolving door of guests taking over the Sayreville stage. During the show Menghi, Ellefson, Coyle, Davison, Bush and Sanders would take turns onstage. The following setlist included songs with the first four songs sung by Bush.

Vocalist John Bush (Armored Saint) sings his ass off for the Metal Allegiance crowd.
Vocalist John Bush (Armored Saint) sings his ass off for the Metal Allegiance crowd.

The Accuser

Bound By Silence

Kill The King — After the song, John Bush introduced Dave Ellefson to the crowd as Mark Menghi would step away.

Room For One More — Would be Bush's last song for a while as Sanderswould take over for the next five songs

Liars & Thieves

Let Darkness Fall

Blood and Thunder


Wake Up Dead

Dying Song — The song would have both Sanders and Bush doing vocal duties for this one. Sanders would then leave the stage and Bush would take over for the next three songs

Lights Out



Metal Militia — The song would bring Sanders back out and Bush stepping away.

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Iron Fist —  Sanders singing

Pledge of Allegiance — Bush singing


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