A Viral Post Asked 'What Was Life Like Before Smartphones?' The Answers Will Truly Have You Thinking

What was life like before smartphones? People of all ages have often wondered how different life was around the world before the introduction of one of the most influential technological advancements to date. One Reddit user posed this question to the popular online community, and people’s array of responses were truly thought-provoking.

The internet responds: ‘What was life like before smartphones?’

The nuanced insights on this thread covered everything from how people used to find answers to their burning questions to differences in social interactions.

Access to information

One of the most prominent responses to this question was that people didn’t have information at their fingertips before smartphones put everything we need to know right into our pockets. Examples included having to know how to get places or consult a paper map for navigation, going to the library to check a book for an answer to a question or keeping encyclopedias in the home and using a phone book to find contact information.

“If you had a random thought like ‘when was air conditioning invented?’ or ‘how far is it to Argentina?’ or ‘how old is Dick van Dyke?’ generally you would just keep wondering,” one user commented.

“I got lost a lot, but by being lost found some really amazing places that I probably wouldn't have visited or even heard of otherwise,” said another. “While having instant access to maps on the phone is useful, it was great to just randomly find somewhere cool.”

One person noted that they viewed this as one of the reasons people had better social skills pre-smartphones, as there was more motivation to ask questions and converse with people who knew the facts you might be looking for.

Photos were tangible

It’s no secret that smartphones equipped us all with cameras. Earlier, physical cameras for which you had to go and have prints developed were the only convenient options.

“People took a LOT fewer pictures,” the top response stated. “If you went on vacation or had a family event you would bring a camera and take pictures. Then you would drop the film off at a store and get your pictures a few days later (an hour later if you wanted to spend a lot). You never knew till you picked them up if the shots were any good, or if someone’s eyes were closed or your finger got in the way of the lens.”

Another user added that they thought photos were more valued when they were only in physical form as people would be more intentional about finding ways to display and preserve their pictures. The person even argued that people looked back at their photos more often during this time as they were cherished keepsakes.

“With all the ubiquity of the digital image, and the presumed decrease of physical photos, what does that mean for generations from now?” one person pondered. “What will the equivalent of thumbing through an old scrapbook be for my grandchildren? Stumbling upon an old dusty box of photos you forgot about? It might be silly, but for this exact reason, I still print out a very small percentage of my iphone photos. The period of my own life after I ditched my ‘real camera’ and before I got a smartphone is a big black box of mystery.”

Social interactions were different before smartphones

Two young girls talking and smiling outside
Jenna Citrus

Smartphones made it possible for us to instantly connect with one another anywhere at any time, whether through social media, calling or texting. Many people on the thread also said they miss feeling less stress and obligated to be immediately reached before smartphones.

One person even said they bring this principle into their daily life now: “Here’s my policy. My phone is for my convenience, not for someone else’s,” they wrote. “If I don’t want to reply in a timely manner (or at all) then I don’t.”

Another user said they felt face-to-face socialization was more common before smartphones, and that it was actually a more effective way to connect with people.

"We enjoyed playing outside, we encountered and get to know different kind of kids with different personalities which is a lot more enjoyable than knowing someone through phones and not getting a chance to meet them personally," they commented.

What was life like before smartphones for you? Let us know in the comments!

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