Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope for January

Add These Dates to Your GCal:
Wednesday, January 13: New Moon in Capricorn
Sunday, January 17: Jupiter square Uranus
Tuesday, January 19: Sun enters Aquarius
Thursday, January 28: Full Moon in Leo
Saturday, January 30: Mercury Retrograde
It's a brand new year and after a very weird 2020, a fresh start feels encouraging and inspiring! We’re diving head-first into a brighter tomorrow with a New Moon in Capricorn, a like-minded earth sign, on January 13. This celestial motion activates the area of your chart associated with creativity, so don’t be surprised if you kick off an exciting artistic project at the beginning of January. What’s more, you may even find inspiration in the bedroom (*wiggles eyebrows*). This lunation has the potential to positively impact your sex life, so you’ll be vibing on that New Year's Eve kiss well into the month. How divine!
But, a few days later—on January 17—a powerful connection between Jupiter in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus makes things a bit more complicated. You weren't *planning* on spending a lot of money, but with extravagant Jupiter and shocking Taurus locked in an intense alignment, the tab will tally up faster than you realized. Be extra careful with your credit card mid-month—reckless swiping could set you back!
The Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19, signaling a powerful energetic shift as it activates the area of your chart associated with health, wellness, and daily routine. Does this ring a bell? These are your favorite topics, Virgo babe! There’s nothing you enjoy more than creating workflows. Celebrate this celestial energy by decluttering your home, reorganizing workspace, and recalibrating your schedule. After all, there are only so many hours in the day—make sure you’re setting yourself up for success!
Another powerful lunation occurs on January 28, when the Moon and Sun form a dynamic opposition, creating a Full Moon in Leo. For you, it may feel like a harsh transition from dark to light, so give your eyes a few seconds to adjust before you make any decisions! Under this sky, the floodgates will open, which means you’ll be receiving messages across all channels—text messages, DMs, psychic airwaves. Huh? That’s right, Virgo, this lunation is illuminating your subconscious, meaning your intuition will be working overtime. Make sure you’re allocating time for extra rest!
Finally, the month concludes with a bit of a buzzkill…Mercury Retrograde begins on January 30. But don’t worry, there’s nothing to pout about. Mercury Retrograde is annoying, but its implications aren’t long-term. Yes, there will be frustrating miscommunications, traffic jams, and technology failures—but look on the bright side! You survived 2020, so in comparison, Mercury Retrograde will be a piece of cake!
Happy New Year! You deserve some astro merch.
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