Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope for November

Add these dates to your GCal:
Thursday, November 4: New Moon in Scorpio
Friday, November 5: Mercury enters Scorpio and Venus enters Capricorn
Friday, November 19: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Tuesday, November 21: Sun enters Sagittarius
Hello, my gorgeous Virgo! It’s time for a dose of cosmic clarity, renewal, and creativity as you step into the energy of November. The month begins with a cathartic release on November 4, with the New Moon in Scorpio in your third house of communication. Important discussions, meetings, and agreements can develop that will transform the structure of your daily life. Changes that take place now will be for the better in the long run, so roll with it my love.
The next day on November 5, Mercury enters into the depths of Scorpio in your third house of communication and starts to form a sharp connection with Saturn in Aquarius in your work sector. Conversations can feel intense in your professional world, so it’s important to navigate with care, even though Mercury is fully out of its post-retrograde shadow. This could also manifest as a change in your support staff or a new contract that will allow you to grow in your position. Venus, the benefic ruler of material gains, harmony, and agreements, will also bring positive energy to your creative projects on this same day.
On November 19, eclipse season will begin with a powerful lunar eclipse in Taurus in your ninth house of foreign matters, wisdom, and learning. A lunar eclipse is also a Full Moon, but taken up a notch. The difference is it happens near the North and South Nodes of the Moon. In this case, the Taurus moon is forming an opposition with the Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Scorpio. Eclipse season sets in changes for the next six months in the sign it occurs in. For you, this can manifest as going back to school for a certification, sharing your wisdom, or even traveling abroad! Contracts surrounding work will also shake up your routine, but in a good way.
As the month rolls on and heads towards December, Sagittarius season officially begins on November 21. The Sun will move into the sign of expansion, optimism, and growth in the area of your home base. Your focus will be on family matters or activities surrounding your private sanctuary. Decorating, moving, or renovating your space can all be an exciting theme for you as this fresh zodiac season sets in. Create a vision board and start to dream about what you’d like to create!
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