Wakeah Jhane redesigns Yahoo logo for Native American Heritage Month

In celebration of Native American Heritage Month, Yahoo commissioned Indigenous artist Wakeah Jhane to re-imagine the Yahoo logo. Wakeah Jhane is an award-winning ledger artist from the Penatuka and Yaparuka bands of Numunuu (Comanche) as well as Gaúigú (Kiowa), Cwy (Cherokee) and Amskapi’piikani (Blackfeet) tribes.

Referring to her artwork as her “heartwork”, Wakeah’s illustrations are deeply rooted in her physical, emotional and spiritual existence of being a N?m? /Gaúigú woman. Wakeah’s artwork elicits the emotions of anyone who genuinely takes the time and space to admire, embrace and connect with the piece. Wakeah’s creative passion in this life is to create art that speaks to the hearts, minds and souls of those who come across her work. She shares real stories of all things related to Indigenous life, people, motherhood, birth, family and womanhood.

In celebration of Native American Heritage Month, Yahoo commissioned Indigenous artist Wakeah Jhane to re-imagine the Yahoo logo.
In celebration of Native American Heritage Month, Yahoo commissioned Indigenous artist Wakeah Jhane to re-imagine the Yahoo logo.

“My art has always been my voice. My art forms are storytelling art forms. As Native people, we innately come from strong storytelling people. We pass down our histories, lineages, ancestral knowledge, medicines, life lessons, everything — all through our own unique ways of sharing stories. The inspiration behind this design is humanity. Vibrantly honoring women as the backbone of our communities, standing in our strength and power for what is right. Vibrantly honoring children as legacies and the future generations to come. Raising them in love — passing down our traditions, love and compassion for them to carry on for generations.”

When asked how she hopes her reimagining of the Yahoo logo will be received, Wakeah Jhane says she simply hopes it will serve as an opportunity for the world to appreciate and support the work of all Native/Indigenous people.

Indigenous artist Wakeah Jhane with more art for Yahoo's celebration of Native American Heritage Month
Indigenous artist Wakeah Jhane with more art for Yahoo's celebration of Native American Heritage Month

“I also hope sharing my artwork in this way makes my community proud and reminds them of their inner strength and love they carry. Tsaakuka mia - Go in a good way.”

You can find more of the artist’s work at ??????????????????????.??????