Tell Us About The Cringiest Valentine's Day Experience That You've Ever Had

Valentine's Day is nearly upon us, and I'm asking the BuzzFeed Community: What's your biggest Valentine's Day fail story?

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Maybe you spent weeks planning an elaborate date night for your partner who was "too busy," only for you to discover that they're actually spending a romantic evening cheating on you with your best friend?

Buena Vista Television / ABC / Via

Or maybe you and your partner spent the evening trying to spice things up in the bedroom, only to try out a new move that sent one of you to the ER.

Warner Bros. Television Distribution / NBC / Via

Or maybe someone thought that Valentine's Day was the perfect time to publicly declare their love for you, and you were forced to find a way to let them down gently in front of everyone before you died of embarrassment.

Columbia Pictures/Revolution Studios/Sony Pictures Releasing / Via

Whatever it is, I want to hear about it. Tell me about your cringiest Valentine's Day experience in the comments below, or, if you prefer to share anonymously, fill out this anonymous Google form. You could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.