Watch: Laura Enever Details Her First Time Surfing XL Cloudbreak

If Laura Enever is scared of big waves, she doesn't show it.

From the Outer Reefs of Oahu, to massive Jaws, and now XL Cloudbreak, Enever makes it a habit of being in exactly the right place during some of the world's biggest swells.

And it's not like she's just there to sit wide and ride a few big shoulders. No. When Enever paddles out on these sorts of days, she has every intention of tackling the heaviest bomb the ocean throws her way.

And that's exactly what she does above. After watching a few sets from the boat, Enever straps on a helmet and paddles straight to the pit. When an 8-foot slab heads her way, she puts her head down to paddle, pops to her feet, grabs her rail...and falls from the sky. "One more epic highlight to add to my wipeout reel," Enever recalls afterwards. "I just got so f--king flogged."

So, how does it feel to eat shit on a drop at Cloudbreak and take 4 more sets straight to the head? Click play fro Enever's very colorful breakdown.

This is the first release from Enever's brand new YouTube channel.

Talk about starting things off with a bang.


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