44 Thoughts I Had While Watching "The Sky Is Everywhere"
When it comes to YA adaptations, I'm usually cautiously optimistic. I have vivid memories of seeing the first Twilight film after it released on DVD, seeing City of Bones, Love, Simon, and The Hate U Give (in addition to many others in theaters). There are some adaptations that have definitely let me down before, but I have really high hopes for The Sky Is Everywhere, adapted by Jandy Nelson, who also penned the novel. The movie officially released on February 11, though the book was first published in 2010. It tells the story of Lennie, a girl who gets caught in two separate relationships, one with a sweet boy from her school and the other with the fiancé of her recently deceased sister. The book is an incredible portrait of grief, and I'm very interested to see how it translates to the screen. If you're interested in watching, you can stream it on Apple TV+!
1.The score of this opening is gorgeous.
The score plus the narration makes this very much feel like a fairy tale.
2.The whole design of this movie is beautiful!
I've audibly gasped at a few of the shots and the design of the props and sets and everything else. You can really tell how much care went into these choices.
3.Lennie is so perfectly cast!
It's easy to see why they picked her from the very early moments of the film. Her tone of voice, her emotional core — truly Grace Kaufman was a great choice.
4.I quite literally said out loud "this is magnificent" during the music daydream scene.
Also, the band kid dynamics are far too real.
5."I want to challenge for the chair." Rachel saw her moment and took it! To my dismay.
I would also like you to go away and leave Lennie alone, but we can't all be happy. Also this teacher should not have let that happen. I don't care if Lennie said yes — shut that down.
6.These two standing in the center of giant trees feels so magical!
Reminds me a little of Bridge to Terabithia. Trees, especially redwoods, just have this incredible sense of majesty.
7."I wish my shadow would get up and walk beside me." I have absolute chills.
And the fact that she's walking through the graves really adds to the gravity of the moment.
8.Twenty-one minutes in and I'm crying!!
9.There's a lot about this that feels like a very aesthetic Lizzie McGuire episode.
The sort of daydreamy aspects and also just general teen awkwardness.
10.Grace Kaufman is SO. PERFECT. in this film. The emotional beats she shares with Toby's character (a tough relationship) are so well expressed.
The feelings in the book are so visceral, and sometimes when adapting a book the internal monologue loses out in the translation, but not here! It's captured so well.
11.The dance number! The light shifts!!!!
Light shift between Bailey's dance and Lennie's phone call? Gorgeous. Sunshine on Joe? Gorgeous.
12.The earnestness in Uncle Big's eyes while talking about bugs!
Jason Segel is also perfectly cast. The softness in his voice and whole vibe are just sensational.
13.Lennie exploring while grabbing her clarinet from Joe's empty room? Delightful.
This scene is also giving me strong Lizzie McGuire vibes. And, "He's my Heathcliff?"10/10.
14.This conversation with Sarah is a brilliant depiction of trying to keep honesty in the friendship while also toeing around the edges of someone's grieving process.
15.How many times can I say how great Grace Kaufman is in this?
"Being near him is like being near you." This movie never tries to present Toby/Lennie as a good idea; it always feels like it's a coda to their immediate grief rather than a love story between them.
16.Gram walking away awkwardly is very relatable!!
I would 100% buy the outfit she's wearing here too.
17.Joe is precious, and I adore him!
And wildly talented at the guitar! Credit to Jacques Colimon.
18.I know that they're lying down in this scene, but it feels like they are a part of a ballet.
I literally stopped and rewatched this scene three times because I couldn't get enough of it!!!
19.Gram clearing out Bailey's stuff feels like such a blow. Such a quick scene, but every line has such impact.
"They don't come back."
20.Whoever is behind the design of this movie, I am very obsessed — it is just so stunning.
Looking at credits, I think this would be Ava Berkofsky (director of photography) and Grace Yun (production designer).
21.This movie's magic is in its emotions, and the visuals support that so well.
It all blends so naturally in the narrative.
22."Why are you here?" HE LIKES YOU!!!!
"I think you're really pretty, and I'm incredibly shallow." Lots of screaming in my household at this moment. I love them.
23.Lennie getting a beautiful moment with Joe here!!!
I'm glad to see some joy for her after the admission of the hole in her life left by her sister and also the admission that she doesn't think she compares at all to Bailey.
24.Toby I understand you are also going through things, but right now I need you to go the heck away.
25.I love them very much!!!!
Him grabbing her hand is such a sweet moment.
26."I wish I was a musical genius."
Sir, have you heard the Academy Award-winning song "Man or Muppet"? Because I think you might like it.
27.Very glad we got this Sarah reunion!
Wish it wasn't in the middle of the street, making me nervous, but still very glad. I also would watch a spinoff TV show about Sarah!
28.Lennie getting prematurely annoyed before realizing it's Joe and not Toby and then getting this magical kiss? Stunning!!!!!
The camera rotation and the fireflies really make this special.
30.I cannot express the sheer delight this scene of them floating together brings me!
The lightness that comes out of being able to express oneself musically, and the fact that Joe was able to help Lennie get back to that point.
31.This scene in her room when Lennie is wondering how the hell people get through grief and loss is so painful.
The way this movie pulls in narration and this sort of monologue is really helping capture the core things from the book I thought would be hard to get onscreen — just great choices all around.
32.Scenes with Lennie and Toby really feel like barely healed wounds.
Not bleeding, but still raw and painful.
33.Knowing Joe comes across Toby and Lennie kissing didn't prepare me for it!
A perfect still, when you learn something you already knew.
34."Where does all the love for someone go when that someone is gone?" This really feels like the question the entire movie is asking.
And the best part is I think the movie answers it (you'll see why closer to the end!).
35.I can feel the cringe in this scene!
I just want them to be happy.
36.I know this isn't going to work, but dang this is a beautiful batch of flowers.
Also, Gram is going to be upset about those roses.
37.God, Cherry Jones is so magnificent!!
This scene of Gram and Lennie confronting each other is a masterclass.
Crying at Gram's "Oh, I have missed you so."
39."Grief is forever, isn't it?" This conversation is something that is so special.
Lennie coming to the realization that every day is still going to hold a piece of what is missing, and doing so with the help of Gram? Breathtaking.
40.Lennie coming to take back first chair!!!
I'm cheering very hard. Probably harder than I've cheered for something related to clarinets (and I used to play one!).
41.Me too, Marcus.
42.I realize Wuthering Heights has been the focus, but here's Mr. Darcy crossing the field to Elizabeth at dawn!!!!!!!
I'm crying again.
44.The narration mentioning that Bailey made sure that Lennie's notes got to Joe really got me.
Crying again!!