Wednesday’s Child: Meet Seth and Ethen, two brothers hoping to find a forever family together
Hundreds of kids are waiting in foster care hoping to be adopted. We at KARK are hoping to help these kids find loving homes through our Wednesday’s Child Series.
Some people can’t stand their siblings, but others can’t stand to be apart. Unfortunately, that is the reality for two brothers who are currently in foster care and have been for several years.
It’s easy to see the bond between 16-year-old Seth and 15-year-old Ethen. They’re similar in just about everything, from their age, to what they like to do.
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“I like to play games and play soccer,” Seth said.
“I like to box,” Ethen said.
However, as close as they are, they couldn’t be further apart. Both boys have been in the foster care system for five years, living on opposite sides of the state. They hope that soon they’ll be adopted together.
“Family is life,” Seth said. “Family is everything.”
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Adoption Specialist Carol Lee Jarvis said the boys want a family that embraces their Hispanic heritage and their love of sports.
“These boys, not only are they away from each other, but they are struggling with uncertainty,” Adoption Specialist Carol Lee Jarvis said. “What’s the future going to look like? Are they going to have a family that will support them in what they want to do?”
Seth specifically wants a mom and dad who will work with his younger brother who has special needs.
“He really wants a family that will support both of them, but that will understand Ethen and protect him,” Jarvis said.
The two brothers have endless love for one another and one wish they desperately want to come true.
“A new life, a better life,” Ethen said. “And a family, a good family. That’s my wish.”
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You can learn more about Seth and Ethen on
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