Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts September Will Start Off With A Bang
Get ready for a new month, babe! Your weekly horoscope for August 30-September 5 2021 is here. August and Leo’s bombastic season have slipped away from us, but don’t fret! The lovely winds of Libra Venus and Mercury (planet of communication) on Monday are here to blow us smoothly into fall.
The week opens with the moon (planet of emotions) trining Venus (planet of love), luring us into romantic fantasies and reveries. However, the moon’s trine to Saturn (planet of restrictions) on the same day reminds us to lower our heads from the clouds and take stock of our emotional domain.
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Still, getting things done may be a bit of a struggle with Mars (planet of action) opposing Neptune (planet of illusion) on Wednesday. Energy will be a little lower than usual and motivation even less. But we all deserve a “down” day, so don’t be too hard on yourself! You’ll need the strength for the weekend with Venus and Mars aspecting earth-shaking Pluto (planet of destruction).
These two transits could manifest as profound feelings, passion and, if left unchecked, even power struggles. But not to worry! Even the astro-weather can get a little hairy sometimes, and Venus in its domicile, Libra, will soften the blow. Take it easy this week, check in with yourself often, and all will be well.
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How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week
Join forces with others when Mercury enters Libra on Monday. The planet of communication is in your partnership zone, encouraging you to team up with others, whether they’re business or romantic connections. It’s time to reach an agreement and put old feuds to rest. You don’t need to be in competition all the time (we promise). You can compromise and still be a leader.
Your productivity takes a dive when Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Thursday. Reality is getting in the way of your daydreams, and you aren’t as motivated as you would like. Try to get back on track and focus on your mental health, Aries.
Hug it out when Mercury trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday. The summer heat is cooling and so is your temper. Make friends with people you thought were enemies and heal friendships. Just remember to set healthy boundaries first.
Thoughts move toward health and productivity when Mercury enters Libra on Monday. Mercury will be in your habit zone for the next few weeks, encouraging you to work toward self-improvement by expanding your mind. Developing good communication habits will help keep the peace, especially over these next few weeks.
Think over your summer romances when Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Thursday. While you may be physically attracted to someone, the ending of summer might make you wonder where this relationship is heading. Passionate affairs might not work out in the real world, Taurus.
Your stubborn streak could get you in some serious trouble when Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday. You might be unwilling to bend or see someone’s else’s point of view because you’re stuck in your rut. For your relationships to improve, humble yourself and try to admit that you can be wrong sometimes.
Self-expression becomes easy when Mercury enters Libra on Monday. Your ruling planet will be in your pleasure zone for the next few weeks, making you extra creative in your words and thoughts. This is a great time to discover new talents and entertain others with your amazing stories and witty wordplay. Enjoy being the life of the party, Gemini.
You want to have the “perfect” home and ideal family like the ones you see on social media when Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Thursday, but that isn’t going to happen because no one is perfect. Learn to embrace the messy imperfections—and stay off social media for a while.
You’re brimming with creative ideas and solutions when Mercury trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday. However, before you work on solving climate change, slow down! Think your idea through from every angle before putting it into action.
Keeping the peace becomes your top priority when Mercury enters Libra on Monday. The planet of communication will be in your home zone for the next few weeks, making you the diplomat in most of your family drama. However, while you try to take care of everyone with polite charm, remember that you need love too.
Don’t be afraid to ask difficult questions when Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Thursday. You are driven to find the “truth” about a certain issue only to learn that the truth isn’t as straightforward as you’d hoped. Stay rational when emotions are high.
The week ends with some family drama when Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday. Tensions arise when your family forces you to take sides when you just want peace. No matter how hard you try, your family keeps dragging you into the fight. Resist, Cancer.
The week starts on a positive note when Mercury enters Libra on Monday. Mercury will be in your communication zone for the next few weeks, bringing out your charming side. Show off your intelligence to get everyone on your side. Use that to fight for justice and do what’s right.
If you want to take your relationship to the next level, do it when Mercury trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday because you’ll be able to express your thoughts and desires with ease and without being too pushy. Once you’ve made your decision about who you want to be with or what relationship you want, tell them.
Work/life balance becomes difficult to navigate when Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday. Be attentive to your partner’s needs and try to communicate your own. A partner might feel threatened by the changes you’re making. Keep communicating to avoid heartache.
You’ve had a good run over the last two weeks, but on Monday, Mercury leaves your sign in favor of Libra, where it will stay for the next few weeks. Your ruling planet enters your value zone, bringing forth some major financial decisions that could affect your personal resources. Don’t let this decision consume you, but don’t rush your choice either, Virgo.
Relationships get rocky when Mars in your sign opposes Neptune in Pisces on Thursday, and you might get into a fight with your partner. You need to ask some tough questions, which can be difficult when someone is being particularly evasive.
If you want something fancy and expensive, you’ll have to work for it when Mercury trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday. Is what you want really worth the effort you’ll have to put in? Think it through before you pull out the credit card.
It’s all about you for the next few weeks, Libra! That’s because Mercury enters your sign on Monday and stays for a while. This is an ideal time to talk yourself up, become more confident, and charm everyone with your wit, creativity, and ideas. Express yourself and show people the real you without trying to please everyone.
Saturday brings even more creativity and self-expression when Mercury trines Saturn in Aquarius. Do what feels good and show off your uniqueness for the world to see. You can gain pleasure in mastering a new skill or honing a new art form. Enjoy!
However, the week ends on a sour note when Venus in your sign squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday, bringing family drama into your life. Tension can hurt your relationships with the people you love and even your wallet. Stay sane!
After weeks of being a social butterfly, it’s important to begin keeping your private life private starting Monday when Mercury enters Libra. The planet of communication will be in your privacy zone, encouraging you not to share many personal details right now. Keep things on the down low to protect yourself. Invest in some antivirus software now.
After a dreamy summer, it could be hard to snap back to reality when Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Thursday. Let your friends help you snap out of the pleasure haze that’s been blocking your good judgment. They’re only trying to help.
Secrets create struggles when Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday. You may be torn between keeping a secret and telling it to others. While you’re attracted to the mystery, it might be better to tell someone what’s going on. They may be able to help.
As summer comes to a close, reconnect with friends and get active on social media when Mercury enters Libra on Monday. The planet of communication will be in your social zone for the next few weeks, making it very easy to make friends right now. However, be mindful about what you say. Your words have extra power now.
Spend Saturday having “real” talks with your friends as Mercury trines Saturn in Aquarius. This is a great day to have some mature conversations and use that brainpower for the greater good. Organize events to get people together to help with humanitarian efforts.
You were having a lot of fun with your friends this summer—until you checked your bank statement. As Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday, you could realize that hanging out at those expensive places adds up. Look for some free activities to do with your friends.
Start thinking about your public image and reputation when Mercury enters Libra on Monday. Mercury will be in your career zone for the next few weeks, encouraging you to think about your long-term goals and how to achieve them. Be strategic with words and use social graces to get ahead in your career. You may even get a promotion.
On Saturday, your hard work (and your powerful friends) start paying off when Mercury trines Saturn in Aquarius, giving you a boost in some way, whether it’s extra money, a promotion, a glowing reference, or some sort of achievement.
However, work gets tense when Venus in Libra squares Pluto in your sign on Sunday. After letting your professional connections help you out, you might feel you don’t have enough power over your destiny. The people who helped you may start controlling you. Remember that you can shine on your own.
Expand your emotional horizons when Mercury enters Libra on Monday. The planet of communication will be in your philosophy zone for the next few weeks, making you open to learning and gaining new perspectives on issues you’ve never considered before. While it’s tempting to stick to your opinions, look at all sides of an issue.
Educating yourself increases your maturity and discipline when Mercury trines Saturn in your sign on Saturday. As you learn, you’re growing as a person. As your understanding and beliefs change, you may realize that the world isn’t as black-and-white as you thought it was.
However, not everything you learn is positive. When Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday, you could learn something about your relationship that damages it. Power struggles can occur as you fight over who has the moral high ground. Take a break to gain clarity.
Bonds become stronger with communication when Mercury enters Libra on Monday. Mercury will be hanging out in your intimacy zone for the next few weeks, allowing you to bond with others through intimate conversation. It will be easy to get lost in thought and unable to make a decision when it comes to major life changes. Don’t be afraid to get out of your own head, Pisces.
Relationships may burst your bubble when Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in your sign on Thursday. Try to separate fact from fantasy to sort yourself out and have a happy ending with your lover.
However, if you stay stuck in your daydream, your relationship could run into some tension when Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday. Jealousy may get the better of you when your partner spends more time with others. Talk it out or the relationship could start crumbling.
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