Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of May 13, 2024
Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of May 13, 2024. Discover your Weekly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.
It's okay to be daring on Monday and Tuesday. Actually, daring suits you right now. Thinking outside the proverbial box could be the key to unlocking a long-standing business puzzle. Share your excitement with your colleagues, because Wednesday and Thursday are almost so drained of excitement as to be in black and white. Nothing is wrong. It's just that at a certain point the routine gets a bit dull. Friday surprises you with huge amounts of free time in which to dream up new projects and consider the future. The end of the week is a good time to begin something.
You love a challenge, but the challenge you face on Monday and Tuesday is not the kind you relish. It's a struggle between you and someone you work with, quite possibly someone you deeply respect, and the best solution may be for you to put aside your current differences for the sake of the future. On Wednesday and Thursday, you are rewarded with just about anything you could ask for. Money? Check. Romance? Check. An opportunity to flex your diplomatic skills in front of a lot of people? Check. Friday is the opposite of boring. It's a rush.
You're just trying to stir up some fun, have some workplace banter, but on Monday someone takes something you said (in jest) seriously, and what do you know? Turns out it's a great idea or it inspires a great idea. Tuesday is about turning great ideas into great business. Wednesday and Thursday, on the other hand, are virtually free of great ideas, and any ideas you do have are bound to be misinterpreted in all the confusion. Friday is equally overwhelming, but there's more room for thinking and discussing. You go into the weekend feeling valuable and loved.
New clothes suit you at the start of the week. It may feel as if you're showing off, and perhaps you are, but another way to think about it is that you're expressing yourself. Look the way you like. Having confidence in the way you present yourself translates to business success on Wednesday and Thursday, days spent making decisions and encouraging your colleagues in a variety of endeavors. On Friday, be as active as possible. If you misstep, you can back up and try again. As the week draws to a close, new projects are coming out of your office like circus clowns out of a tiny car.
It's hard to know what will set it off: a great song or meeting someone who has the same name as an old friend or the beauty of the sunrise. Something inspires you on Monday and Tuesday, and as if by magic, everything you touch at work turns to gold. On Wednesday and Thursday, you'll wish you could sell off some of those gold objects (money is a major concern), but on Friday you're content with your career's nonmonetary rewards. Your job gives you an excuse to spend your days with a group of people who bring out your best.
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There's so much happening on Monday and Tuesday that you're bound to let a few balls drop. If that happens, laugh it off. What else can you do? Instead of a rigid idea of how things are supposed to go, especially when it's clear that they're not going to go that way, flexibility is the secret to being successful now. And toward the second half of the workweek, especially on Thursday, success is in the stars. Strange, then, that Friday finds you feeling wishy-washy and weird. You will most likely continue to feel this way through the weekend.
The workweek begins the way a great movie begins: with energy, captivating characters, and some great background music. The details don't matter much because the big picture is going so well. If someone loses an email or forgets to return a phone call, it'll be no big deal. On Wednesday and Thursday, try to be a force of magnanimity. And, in contrast to certain higher-ups, be a person who listens. It's no surprise, really, that on Friday you become the subject of everyone else's attention. The adulation is both appreciated and deserved. It makes your weekend.
Monday is not the day to walk into the office dressed as a pirate (you should avoid all whimsy, actually). As happy as you might be, success in the office right now demands conservatism. This holds true on Tuesday as well. Instead of being in-your-face, be in your office with your head down. Wednesday and Thursday are better days, and more fun, but still, everything happens in a minor key. This atmosphere affects you, and by Friday you're feeling a touch withdrawn. You go in to do your job, you go home. The upshot is that your weekend is graceful.
What you did to deserve the luck that comes your way on Monday or Tuesday, you can't remember, but you're happy to reap the benefits. Abundance figures strongly, as does excellence, humor, and travel. That's a pretty good string of themes. On Wednesday and Thursday, an authority, likely a boss, is more difficult than makes sense (their being difficult has nothing to do with anything you're doing). But on Friday, you are loved by friends and, yes, even your boss. It's a great end to what is, all in all, a great workweek.
On Monday and Tuesday, you are stumped. It's rare that you get stumped like this, and if relations were better with some of your coworkers, you'd be able to solicit assistance, but frankly, things aren't that great right now. On Wednesday and Thursday, you have two aims: one, improve those relations with coworkers, and two, do whatever research your gut is telling you that you need to do in order to know better how to deal with what's stumping you. On Friday, a piece of the puzzle you didn't have before falls into your hands. The week ends just as you turn over a new leaf.
As human history has borne out, sticking to fixed ideas is not always wisest, especially when it comes to, say, sea exploration. You're not exploring the sea on Monday or Tuesday, but you are on a sort of quest, a professional journey and, more than anything, what's exhilarating is your independence. On Wednesday and Thursday, there are some funny-looking sea monsters swimming around, but ignore them and they'll leave you alone. Friday brings about a rare connection with someone you usually don't hit things off with, perhaps a boss. Nice sailing! Stay this course.
As much as you want to know what's bothering a coworker, getting involved in someone else's situation could easily become politically volatile, and it's not exactly your business anyway. Your colleagues are, if anything, a liability on Monday and Tuesday. Then, on Wednesday, someone will ask you a work question and you will be ready with a brilliant answer. In this way, you'll find a connection with someone. Thursday sees you diving into new projects like a bee into a field of flowers. Picking one flower and sticking to it is the order of the day on Friday.
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