Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of February 21, 2022
Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of February 21, 2022. Discover your Weekly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.
Monday and Tuesday prove that you've still got it. You're agreeable without being a pushover. You're up for anything and yet you're not spacey or a flake. Something comes your way on Monday -- most likely at work -- that some people see as a stroke of luck. That isn't very generous of them. Your hard work has everything to do with it. Wednesday and Thursday are more romantic in nature. A seductive dancing-around-the-issue with someone is almost more fun that actually making out. Friday through Sunday, romance may come into play, but family themes dominate.
An item of clothing comes into play on Monday or Tuesday, maybe something you've just bought. It accentuates your best physical qualities and you're getting a lot of compliments, especially from the one person who matters most. Wednesday and Thursday, what goes on in your love life is secondary to what's going on in your career -- your full attention is needed at work -- but Friday through Sunday are perfect for romantic dinners, sitting on the roof and staring at the stars, confessing things to one another, etc. You couldn't ask for a better weekend.
No matter how crazy things get on Monday and Tuesday, you keep it together. It's sort of miraculous, your cool. A certain devoted someone watches on with awe. Wednesday and Thursday you spend a lot of time around your romantic partner, enjoying the heck out of your rapport -- the way you know what they're going to say, the way you give each other a hard time about small stuff, etc. Friday through Sunday, you put your brains together to figure out how you're going to save money. Some of your ideas might affect the nature your relationship.
This is one of your inspired weeks, when what you say always goes over well. Someone you meet at a dinner party on Monday or Tuesday might say to you afterward, 'You're incredible. Who are you, again?' Whereupon, you might slyly change the subject. Wednesday and Thursday, stop changing the subject so much. Come on out of your shell. At some point Friday through Sunday, your special someone says or does something so much the way you would say or do it that for a second you wonder if you're looking into a mirror.
Your stubborn side comes out on Monday and Tuesday. You're wrapped up in the situation, which makes sense (after all, you really like each other), but make sure you don't say or do something arrogant. Who wants that? Wednesday and Thursday are much easier going -- that same stubbornness that was driving you-know-who insane might inspire their admiration in a different context -- and Friday through Sunday, you spend a lot of time talking about how much you enjoy being around each other, even when you're driving each other nuts. Hilarious.
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You and you-know-who are either taking a road trip together on Monday or Tuesday or you're talking about taking a road trip. In detail. What CDs you'd bring to listen to, where you'd want to go, when you could do it, etc. You two are really enjoying each other's company these days, and you just want to enjoy each other's company in a new setting. Wednesday and Thursday, you might hit a snag in the communication department -- an email might be misunderstood, one of you might show up at the wrong time -- but Friday through Sunday are easy-going and social. Women are prominent.
The less food you eat on Monday and Tuesday, the more you'll feel like dancing. And dancing -- or at least doing some kind of physical activity -- is in the stars. It could be as simple as a slow dance in your apartment after dinner (like a scene from a movie). Wednesday and Thursday you two are talking about things you haven't talked about before. There are a million faraway places you want to see together. To make that happen, you have a lot to do, and it's no coincidence that you spend Friday through Sunday trying to get ahead at work. You're a goal-driven person.
Things flare up at the start of the week. On Monday or Tuesday, you and you-know-who will likely have a spat over something -- although what you're having a spat over isn't altogether clear. And it doesn't even matter. What's important is figuring out how to be good to each other even when you're driving each other bonkers. Wednesday and Thursday a financial matter sidetracks you from the vicissitudes of your love life. Friday through Sunday, a foreign restaurant figures prominently. This might be your new date spot. The right atmosphere brings out the best in you both.
Keep you-know-who in the loop on Monday and Tuesday, for practical purposes (to confirm a date, to let them know what time you're going to show up for something, etc.) but also to let them know you're thinking of them. Wednesday and Thursday are more far ranging and philosophical. The conversations you're having have little relationship to the practical world. That's what's so glorious about them. Friday through Sunday, almost every conversation leads to a conversation about your relationship itself. You're asking yourselves interesting questions this weekend.
Your love life brings out your creative side on Monday and Tuesday -- you write a cute note, or maybe a song, or maybe you invent a dance called the 'I love you!' dance. Whatever it is, it's adorable and very well received. Wednesday and Thursday you're in a more serious mood, but you're still thinking about you-know-who constantly. Friday through Sunday you get to spend a lot of time together. You also stand a fairly good chance of taking something personally that you shouldn't take personally -- don't let that ruin your weekend!
On Monday or Tuesday, you make a discovery about this person you're head over heels for -- their secret nerdy past, a hidden talent, a dislike of pineapple. Whatever it is, it draws you closer than ever to knowing the whole them. Which, of course, you like. Wednesday and Thursday are steamy and exciting. If you're still just dating, expect at least a very passionate kiss goodnight. If you've been married 20 years, expect your honeymoon all over again. Friday through Sunday are, sadly, not as exciting. You're in a weird mood. Getting exercise will help you sort your feelings.
Making dinner for you-know-who on Monday or Tuesday would not only be fun, it'd be much appreciated. You could do the classic thing: wine, candles, piano music in the background. Or you could do something a little more original, like making tacos and eating them on the back porch while listening to heavy metal and watching the sunset. Really, whatever works. The back porch continues to be a good setting on Wednesday and Thursday, but Friday through Sunday -- the most romantic days this week -- you're sick of staying home. A concert? A drive with the radio on and the windows down?
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