Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of October 09, 2023
Your Weekly Love Horoscope for The Week of October 09, 2023. Discover your Weekly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.
Feeling adventurous? There's nothing you can't handle as the week begins. Use all that derring-do to seek out something (or someone!) fun, and don't be afraid to show your competitive side. From Wednesday afternoon through Friday, you need to make sure you tend to annoying little details. Sure, it might not be particularly sexy, but a few minutes of planning and preparation can avoid hours of frustration and misunderstanding later. This weekend, use your ample charm to get what you want.
If you can literally get on a high horse as the week begins, you'll look pretty foxy. After all, everybody appears dashing on horseback! If you're tempted to get on a metaphorical high horse, however, just don't do it. Arrogance isn't attractive. From Wednesday afternoon through Friday, you can expect to charm everyone you meet with your elegant outlook and diplomatic style. On Saturday and Sunday, embrace laziness. Spend some time on yourself, whether that means a good book, a funny movie, or a long walk. Feel free to bring along some like-minded company.
You might be enjoying all the fun banter as the week begins, but others could take your playful debating a little too seriously. Slow down and make your intentions clear if necessary. Or, even better, just limit your wit and repartee to those who get your personality. From Wednesday afternoon through Friday, attend to mundane details and pesky to-do items. Even in relationships, little things like that can trip you up if you're not careful. This weekend, use your unusually ample supply of energy and assertiveness to get something started.
Bigger is better, right? That's definitely true as this week begins, and you should follow your impulsive streak wherever it takes you, especially, of course, in romance! From the middle of the week through Friday, any ambitious plans you care to cook up can pay off, so focus on the details and make things happen. And if you're single, don't be afraid to ask out someone you might otherwise find intimidating. You might face trouble on the home front this weekend, but it's nothing you can't smooth over with a little extra sensitivity and kindness.
Can you feel the love? People can't get enough of you as the week begins, and you're at your confident, charismatic best. So that means you should bask in the adoration if you're happily coupled or get out and flirt up a storm if you're single! From midweek through Friday, you might feel strangely reserved and conservative when it comes to taking risks, but that just means you need some quiet time to recharge. This weekend, speak your mind and your heart. Somebody wants to make you happy, and they just need to know how.
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There's so much going on! You won't see any end to the action as the week begins, so stay flexible and throw out any plans and preconceptions. Don't worry. Spontaneity is your friend right now. From the middle of the week through Friday, expect to accomplish anything and everything, and not just in romance! All of your best qualities are magnified right now, and no problem will go unsolved. If you've been contemplating a significant purchase with a significant other, this weekend is the time to take the plunge.
Take charge! As the week begins, others look to you to take the lead, even if it's just to pick a few fancy dance steps. From Wednesday afternoon through Friday, you can expect to be exceptionally perceptive. You're always ready to lend a sympathetic ear, of course, but that's even more true right now. This weekend, you're a veritable magnet for affection and admiration. Nobody can resist your easygoing charms, so expect a momentous weekend whether you're happily coupled or free and flirting.
Avoid power struggles at all costs as the week begins. Others want to draw you into their own petty battles, but you're much too smart for that kind of infighting, right? From Wednesday afternoon through the end of the week, put a premium on secrets, both keeping them and revealing them. Use your own discretion, of course. This weekend, give yourself a break when it comes to big decisions. The path of least resistance might be the way to go. Don't be afraid to let someone else make the call.
Go ahead and gamble! Luck is on your side as the week begins, and everyone is smitten with your carefree charms. You might be surprised by how much a simple smile and kind word can accomplish on Monday and Tuesday. From the middle of the week through Friday, your more open-minded instincts might be at odds with authority figures. Be on the lookout for heavy-handed people trying to bring you down. This weekend, kick back and feel the love. Saturday and Sunday are both good days for basking in the big picture.
Who's more deserving anyway? That's a difficult question you have to tackle as the week begins, as pragmatic problems crop up and force you to watch for the worst. Don't fret, though. From Wednesday afternoon through the end of the week, the pressure is off. You connect with faraway loved ones (maybe just for some much-wanted advice), and your plans seem to have a preternatural prescience. This weekend, start something new. Your energetic attitude will guide you no matter where you go.
Ready to contemplate some fresh data? Better grab your lab coat as the week begins, because some experiments that you've been conducting are about to produce some profound new discoveries. Make the most of your newfound knowledge. From Wednesday afternoon through Friday, take special care when negotiating with others in romance and otherwise. Try to temper your friendly, happy-go-lucky attitude just this once. This weekend, you experience something new. Ideally, it's with someone new too (if you're single).
You're not one to inflict your opinions on other people (leave that to pushier folks), but that goes double as the week begins. Your usual benevolent instincts could get you into trouble even if you're just trying to help. From the middle of the week through Friday, you should try to leap before you look even if it seems kind of backward to you. Just think of it as trusting your instincts! This weekend, it's out with the old and in with the new. Even if you're sticking with the same old, same old (in a relationship, for example), try to mix up your approach.
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