Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Says It's Who You Know, Not What You Know
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You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!
The Eight of Wands is a nudge to get yourself in the thick of things, be at the center of the action, and enjoy the swirling new energies and opportunities that emerge. It’s who, not what, you know this week. Information is key. Brush up your professional profile and network. Socialize. Reach out to former coworkers and classmates. Go where the action is. Be around others. It's time to make some powerful connections.
The Cosmo Tarot: The Ultimate Deck and Guidebook
Really, the only things you actually need when doing a tarot reading is a deck of tarot cards and your intuition.
Halloween 2023 Tarot Reading: The Darkness
Treat yourself to a professional tarot reading from Kerry Ward this spooky season.
The Modern Witch Tarot Journal
Keeping a tarot journal can help you get to learn the meanings of the cards better. Plus, you can write down your interpretations of a tarot reading and later come back to it to see how it all played out.
Everything Covered Tarot Reading
Ask the cards all your questions in a reading with tarot reader Kerry Ward (author of these tarotscopes!).
The Modern Witch Tarot Journal
Keeping a tarot journal can help you get to learn the meanings of the cards better. Plus, you can write down your interpretations of a tarot reading and later come back to it to see how it all played out.
Power, Purpose, Practice: Finding Your True Self Through Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot
Kerry Ward's new book can help you get to know the cards and yourself.
Power, Purpose, Practice: Finding Your True Self Through Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot
Power, Purpose, Practice: Finding Your True Self Through Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot
Pre-order Kerry Ward's new book, which can help you get to know the cards and yourself.
Power, Purpose, Practice: Finding Your True Self Through Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot
Tarot Candle
Add candles, incense, calming music, etc. to set a ~vibe~ for your reading.
The Modern Witch Tarot Journal
Keeping a tarot journal can help you get to learn the meanings of the cards better. Plus, you can write down your interpretations of a tarot reading and later come back to it to see how it all played out.
Tarot Candle
Add candles, incense, calming music, etc. to set a ~vibe~ for your reading.
3-Piece Velvet Tarot Bags Set
Keep your tarot cards cozy in a pretty velvet bag.
Don’t fear The Tower. It’s a powerful card, for sure. It's a reminder that some events in life are sudden, dramatic, game-changing, and maybe even tinged with negativity. However, nothing is all one shade. We live in shades of grey, not black and white. Even the most negative impact can have positive outcomes. Seek the silver lining of the bad sh*t that has happened to you over 2023. Look for the life lessons. Be resilient and face up to what has upset or scared you. Learn from the hard stuff and you will grow exponentially this week.
You are a very Knight of Pentacles character: Determined, protective, guarded, and security-focused. You work hard (when you're motivated, at least), but you expect rewards. Your efforts are not going into a vacuum; there has to be an output, recognition, and ideally, payback. So, are you happy with what you’re getting for your efforts? If not, this is the week to demand what’s fair and deserved. Be pushy. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
A little echo of sadness or regret will bubble up in your emotional realm this week. It’s only momentary, so don’t leap in after it and dwell in a pool of unhappy memories. Just acknowledge it. Take a break, do something comforting, and then release it so you can move along. This is good practice for stemming the overthinking or self-recrimination you (or your twin self) are so good at. Practice seeing, feeling, and releasing emotion.
Look out! The Wheel of Fortune rolls up and rocks your world in the process. Are you ready for transformation? Are you hoping things will change? Are you open to a new path? Good! The best way to work with this energy is to activate a big, significant, much-desired change in your life. Go push that wheel in the right direction. What unfolds will be a little chaotic with all the energies being stirred up. Enjoy the ride and don’t sweat the small stuff. You’re going in the right direction, even if there are a couple of (interesting) detours.
Live the dream, Leo. I’m not being twee or inspirational, I am being literal. This card is about taking whatever your most heartfelt daydream or fantasy is, and actually going after it. Why not? What is life for if not to experience the things you most want? Why deny yourself? If you don’t go for this, then what are you settling for instead? Take the Seven of Cups as full permission to chase your dreams, make everyone jealous, and get what you really, truly want. You can do it.
Make a wish! Not just for the sake of it, but because you got The Star this week, which is the tarot’s most powerful cosmic wish-granter. If you clarify your goal, visualize your dream unfolding, believe in it happening, act like it is, and make direct moves in its direction, then you will find magic happening all around you this week. The stars will align to bring you good fortune and the opportunity to manifest your dream. I am not kidding. This is a magical week.
Sometimes, dare I say it, you can miss seeing what's fair if you're hoping for a specific outcome. Your objectivity is 20/20 when it comes to other people’s situations, but not always your own. You weigh the scales in your own favor. There, I said it. So… this week, the Six of Pentacles asks you to be deliberately focus on other people, even if it feels unnatural. Do good, be generous, give the benefit of the doubt, go the extra mile, and put more into it. And then the scales will balance and you will be happier. Trust me.
You are a deep well of emotion, analysis, and opinion. People have no idea. Although you seem direct, confident, and action-orientated, you actually have a whole world of under-the-radar stuff you’re thinking about that NO ONE has any idea about. The Two of Swords asks you to drag one of those items out into the light this week and bring clarity and resolution to the situation. You have procrastinated, agonized, and judged for long enough. Time for action. Get this out of your subconscious and into real life.
People adore you (in general, mostly, when they’re not in your firing line). The Three of Pentacles shows you’re going to enjoy a "Sagittarius Appreciation Week" full of wonderful opportunities, invitations, and compliments. Show up, be present, and make sure you’re visible to people with influence. Be attentive to what it is they say they like, admire, and respect about you. Know your strength, purpose, and potential. This is a great time to develop your own self-awareness through the eyes of others.
It’s your perfect week, Cap! The King of Pentacles is you at your absolute best: leading, setting an example, being strong, getting what you deserve, creating wealth, and securing a legacy. Be bold and take control. Pursue your own agenda. Help others along the way. Think about the long game and what’s best for Future You. Take responsibility and for making the actions happen and correcting things if they go awry. There's no blame or recrimination, just new steps and more lessons. Live, learn, earn, and thrive. Be your best self and show them what you can do.
Some people would describe you as a little chaotic or unpredictable—they never know what your next focus is going to be (and newsflash, neither do you!). The Page of Wands has you delivering that side of yourself this week, so expect the unexpected and don’t commit yourself to a strict schedule. Leave some wiggle room because you’re going to have some lightbulb moments, spontaneous ideas, and a few off-tangent diversions. Go with it. Experiment and play, but make sure you have the room to do so. Don’t over-commit.
Temperance reveals you craving solitude this week, seeking distance from the action and noise so that you can process recent events and get your head around things. It’s important self-care homework! Sometimes your sense of stability is rocked by what happens around you, and you have to reconnect to the new normal. This is an adjustment period. Be patient. Take a time-out.
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