Weight Loss Success: “I Lost 54 Lbs in Menopause With This Metabolism-Boosting Superfruit”

If you’ve spent time clearing out an old closet you know how good it feels to finish any deep-cleaning project. Now, research reveals that our metabolism can benefit from a special type of cleanup too. One that improves our ability to shed unwanted pounds. All it takes is consuming a natural fruit extract each day. That’s where a newly identified African spicefruit called Dichrostachys glomerata (DG) comes in. Health guru Naomi Whittel, author of the bestselling book Glow 15, says, “I’ve never seen such impressive results from a nonstimulant ingredient.” Keep reading to how Dichrostachys glomerata can promote healthy weight loss — naturally. And stick around to the end where we feature an amazing DG success story.

What is Dichrostachys glomerata?

Dichrostachys glomerata (DG) is an extract from an African plant. It hails from the dried pods of a superfood fruit that grows natively in Cameroon. There, DG is commonly used as a culinary spice. But people noticed that eating the spice led to weight loss. That caught the attention of scientist Julius Oben, PhD, who is believed to be the world’s top DG researcher.

What makes Dichrostachys glomerata special?

To understand how Dichrostachys glomerata works on metabolism, we first need to think about free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules in the body that act like rust that tarnishes our cells. Everything from stress and pollution to sun damage and processed fatty foods can trigger free radicals to circulate around our body. At high concentrations, free radicals trigger damage associated with accelerated aging, including obesity, diabetes, memory problems and arthritis. William Li, M.D., says, “These highly reactive atoms behave like rogue samurai warriors slashing at your DNA.”

The good news: Antioxidants are the antidote to free radicals. Eating fruits and veggies that contain antioxidants can help mop up the damage. Best of all, scientists believe that Dichrostachys glomerata is one of the most efficient scavengers of free radicals for the body. So essentially, if you ingest DG extract, you take a powerful move toward reducing free radicals in your system.

How DG works in the body

“Scientists have discovered DG has different metabolic-enhancing abilities,” says Whittel. Keep reading to learn all the ways this fruit extract helps our health,

1. DG activates an important metabolism enzyme

When you supplement with DG, you boost AMPK, an enzyme that's known as the master regulator of cellular metabolism. AMPK essentially turns up the body’s fat-burning thermostat, melting the contents of fat cells so they shrink. This cellular change is as beneficial as doing cardio exercise without the work!

New research shows AMPK activation is particularly valuable for elderly individuals struggling with obesity and diabetes. And Whittel adds, “It helps with metabolic dysfunction and insulin sensitivity, which get worse as we age, starting with the menopausal years.”

2. DG reduces inflammation

We’ve all heard how inflammation, water retention and swelling can trigger weight gain. But supplementing with DG can lead to belly inch loss. In one study published in Functional Foods in Health and Disease, participants taking DG shed an average of 25 pounds, 11% of their body fat and 4 inches off their hips in just eight weeks.

Terry Dubrow, MD, star of the show Botched! and author of The Dubrow Keto Fusion Diet, says, “DG appears to have a significant effect on the ways in which we store and break down fat.” And some fans of DG have noted that it seems to help reduce pain and joint discomfort.

3. DG lowers cholesterol

Supplementing with DG can also slash cholesterol levels and improve heart health, according to research published in the journal Food Research International. Study subjects took 400 mg. of Dichrostachys glomerata extract or a placebo within 1 hour before lunch and dinner. Within eight weeks, those taking DG saw significant improvements in all 14 biomarkers measured. Overweight participants lowered triglycerides by 41%, total cholesterol by 24% and “bad” LDL cholesterol by 39%. And overweight people with type 2 diabetes saw even bigger results, reducing triglycerides by 56%, total cholesterol by 32% and LDL cholesterol by 50%.

These changes can lead to secondary benefits, including weight loss. Lisa Terrell lost 115 pounds with the help of DG. She also lowered her blood pressure and cholesterol and got off nine medications.

4. DG limits glucose spikes

In that same clinical trial of people supplementing with DG mentioned above, fasting blood-sugar levels dropped by 28%, while insulin levels dropped 10%. And when we successfully manage blood sugar spikes, we’re better able to manage our weight.

Related: Glucose Goddess : 4 Brilliant Hacks That Dramatically Improve Blood Sugar

Glomerata as a natural substitute for Ozempic?

The results are so impressive with DG that Dr. Dubrow compares them to what he seeds with the popular weight-loss drug Ozempic. He says, “This incredible effect is very similar to the new prescription weight-loss drugs, but with minimal cost and no unhealthy disturbing side effects.”

Indeed, many women are turning to this natural extract for its ability to help them shed unwanted pounds, with results similar to prescription weight-loss drugs like Ozempic. One woman we spoke with who is taking DG, said, “I’d rather pay money for quality vitamins than medication!”

Related: Ozempic: Five Doctors Weigh In On the New Weight-Loss Injectables)

How to get the benefits of DG

When research started showing DG’s astounding weight-loss capabilities, health expert Naomi Whittel flew to Cameroon to learn more. There, Dr. Oben explained to Whittel how the fruit’s antioxidants improve biomarkers related to weight and diabetes. Amazed, Whittel brought DG home to Westerners in a capsule form that she calls GloSlim Spicefruit.

To benefit from DG, the key is getting a concentrated dose of bioactive polyphenols, which provide multidimensional benefits, available in this fruit. The study-proven dose of DG is 300 to 400 mg. daily. Whittel says, “It’s a one-two punch: Protect and repair.” One brand to try: GloSlim Spicefruit (Buy at NaomiW, $39 for a 30-day supply).

Dichrostachys glomerata success story: Susan Kenney, 52

<span><span>Scott Stewart</span></span>
Scott Stewart

Testing out her new at-home blood-pressure monitor, Susan Kenney felt her spirits drop when she saw the readings were still high, and it wasn’t just the result of “white coat syndrome” at the doctor’s office. Worried about her family history of diabetes and heart disease, she feared, I know I’m headed in that direction. I have to lose the weight.

But how? This hairdresser was already a lifelong yo-yo dieter. And when salons closed in Michigan during the pandemic, Susan gained more weight, especially around her middle. When she returned to work, she felt achy and puffy.

Then Susan learned about Naomi Whittel’s health advice, including the GloSlim Spicefruit supplement. At first she was skeptical. She admits, “My whole life, I tried things, they didn’t work, and then they ended up in the back of my cabinet.” But she was impressed by the science behind spicefruit. “It said studies showed people losing inches and dropping pants sizes, so I was willing to give it a try being that I -carried my weight around the midsection.”

Susan began taking one capsule daily, which contained 300 mg. of Dichrostachys glomerata fruit extract. Within one month, she noticed her clothing fitting more comfortably and her cravings vanishing. Those fruit supplements were the difference. Susan says, “When I started taking GloSlim, the numbers on the scale finally started to move!”

“After a lifetime of yo-yoing, I’m finally free!”

Susan kept supplementing and eating healthy foods and lost 54 pounds in a year. “My doctor was amazed I was able to lose weight in menopause.” Susan also boosted her energy and dropped her blood pressure from 163/90 to 120/80!

What’s more: Susan noticed a perk when she used DG at night. She says, “I’m in menopause, so I don’t sleep. But I noticed that when I take GloSlim before bed, it helps me.”

Soon, Susan's salon clients were saying, “You look great. How did you lose the weight?” And she told them about this natural fruit product. When they ask if it made her feel jittery, she said, “No, it’s not a diet pill.”

Now, Susan is thrilled with how youthful she feels. “Nothing is inflamed. I don’t hurt anymore, even when I’m on my feet all day.” And she beams, “My clients think I’m still 40 years old!”

Click to read: Can Ozempic cause muscle pain?

This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.