I Went To Celeb Dermatologist Dr. Dendy To Get Preventive Botox, And This Is What Happened, How Much It Would Cost, And Everything You Need To Know

Hi! My name is Ryan Schocket. If you recognize me, it's because I'm probably your least favorite internet person. I starred — and humiliated myself — in the mega-viral video "This Guy Tries Fruit for the First Time." Let's just say, the reception to my appearance was...not great.

What I thought was a funny, silly, ironically self-aware video definitely didn't translate well to the audience and left me reading hundreds of DMs and comments from strangers who criticized my face, my body, and my lifestyle.

An IG comment: I'm sure your dad is proud; you're the reason BuzzFeed is a joke; you literally have the most worthless job on the planet — get a real one tulip

Just a glimpse...love it...

Ryan Schocket

So, let's just say — being a presence on the internet in any capacity has exacerbated my insecurities. AKA I'm self-conscious as fuck!!!!!!!!


Well, since those viral videos, I've changed a lot: I've come out as gay, which led me to take life a little more seriously; I've also gotten healthier and started to eat better, exercise every day, and prioritize wellness and, admittedly, my appearance. But I'd be lying if I said I've been able to shake the body-shaming, cruel remarks, and DMs that flooded my inbox and the comments section.

Now, I'm not saying changing your appearance when you're feeling insecure is a healthy solution. But I've recently started to explore the whole world of injectable dermal fillers, since — like it or not — it's a huge part of culture right now. A few months ago, I shared my nine-month journey of getting fillers and Kybella to sculpt my face.

Before at 11 am: hollowness under eye, less strong jawline, and slight butt chin; after fillers at noon: evened out eye hollowness, stronger jaw, butt chin filled in

Also, the DMs y'all sent me warmed my heart. And the fact that some of you even went to get these procedures after reading the article and spent your hard-earned money made me feel honored.

Ryan Schocket

If you read the article, you know I went to the fabulous celebrity dermatologist Dendy Engelman, MD, FACMS, FAAD, of Shafer Clinic.

Besides being, like, a literal beauty queen, Dr. Dendy treats celebrities and all their Botox/injectable/skincare needs. She's treated a bunch of celebs, including Sofía Vergara, Christina Ricci, Elle Macpherson, Kristin Chenoweth, and Dorinda Medley, as well as influencers and others.

I told her how I wanted to try preventive Botox next, since I'm seeing small fine lines on my forehead at 28.

Close-up of the writer's face with arrow pointing to fine lines on forehead and indicating sunscreen on beard
Ryan Schocket

"Botox is best for smoothing and tightening the skin and targeting wrinkles by freezing the muscles in the face," Dr. Dendy said.

Dr. Dendy advised me to avoid NSAIDs and vitamin E 10 days before getting Botox (to prevent bruising), and to arrive with clean, makeup-free, moisturized skin.

The inside of an office with the text "Patiently waiting for Botox"
Ryan Schocket

So I came in and she examined my face. Dr. Dendy told me to squint, frown, and make certain faces so she could assess the area. I didn't have any wrinkles in the crow's-feet area, but I did have some lines on my forehead.

Arrow pointing to writer's forehead wrinkles with the text "Raised my brows to reveal wrinkles"
Ryan Schocket

So we iced up the area for a few minutes, and she injected about 30 units of Botox into my glabella (between the brows) and 20 into my frontalis (forehead).

Writer holding a medical glove against his forehead

"Unit" is the term of measurement for Botox vials. For example, people typically get 10–30 units of Botox in their forehead, according to Allergan, which produces the product.

Ryan Schocket

We went with a more natural look, which allows for some movement in the forehead. Some celebs and housewives I've noticed have a more "frozen" look to them, which Dr. Dendy and I decided wasn't a fit for me.


As for who "needs" Botox, it varies. "Age isn’t as much as a factor as what your face is showing you. Some 22-year-olds 'need' Botox, and some 42-year-olds don’t. The key to preventative Botox is that at the first signs of wrinkling, Botox is placed in order to minimize the appearance of those wrinkles," Dr. Dendy explained. "It's very effective in preventing deeper lines from occurring in the future."

Dr Dendy administering Botox injections to Ryan
Ryan Schocket

She added, "It is normal to have an expression line when you’re actively making an expression, but we want to ensure that the wrinkle doesn’t remain at rest. If this is starting to show, then preventative Botox may be a benefit to you."

Dr Dendy applying Botox to Ryan's forehead
Ryan Schocket

The pain is a slight pinch, and I think Dr. Dendy, like, distracted me by asking about my bulldog, so it really wasn't bad. IDK, she always distracts me with questions while she injects me (since I'm a 28-year-old man-child) so I focus less on the pinch.

Dr Dendy applying Botox to Ryan with the text "20 units"
Ryan Schocket

The fine lines and wrinkles were literally no match for the powers of Botox. Within a week — YES, you have to wait a little bit — they were gone.


"You should see the results of Botox in a few days, with optimal results appearing in about one to two weeks," Dr. Dendy said. "And Botox tends to last up to three or four months."

Here's me attempting to raise my eyebrows — the Botox is WOOOORKKKKKING, luv:

Ryan Schocket

Now, let's get into some before-and-afters! Here's my forehead when I'm raising my eyebrows (aka forcing the area to reveal wrinkles) before Botox versus after:

Before: wrinkles; after: smooth
Ryan Schocket

And here's the glabella (the area between the brows):

Frowning, before: some small furrows; after: none
Ryan Schocket

This is me in the bathroom at the gym a week later:

Ryan with a smooth forehead
Ryan Schocket

Notice how the fine lines are removed — and how the Botox gives your forehead and the area between your brows a smoothed but natural effect because there are no wrinkles:

Ryan pointing to wrinkle-free forehead

Ignore the pimple above my eyebrow, ugh...

Ryan Schocket

As for the cost — it varies, depending on who you go to. Dr. Dendy told me people should be wary of Groupon deals or too-good-to-be-true offers, since the practice could be giving patients expired product. "Botox is usually $12–$24 per unit or priced by area — so about $250–$500 per area," she said.


And after you get Botox, avoid excessive sweating for 48 hours, and don't lie down or fly for four hours — and of course, don't mess with the area.


It's also important to note that two weeks after my initial Botox injections, I came back to Dr. Dendy to get a touch-up, which, to my understanding, is typical for some doctors and injectors to offer.


? Make sure you're working with a doctor or injector you trust. They shouldn't push things on you. They should check in with you — since they're literally altering your face.

? Botox, to me, isn't a big deal. Like, as long as you trust your doctor, it's a very quick and easy procedure to just zap some wrinkles. Think of it as a self-care moment.

? I think people conflate Botox, fillers, and plastic surgery a lot, which adds to misinformation and stigma. For the most part, Botox is just zapping wrinkles. There shouldn't be any shame or judgment around it — the same way we wouldn't shame someone for getting a facial.

? It only lasts three to four months, and it can be costly. It's a treat-yourself situation. That being said, I think Botox is 100% worth it, especially before weddings, trips, and special occasions when you want to look your best.

If you want to book an appointment with Dr. Dendy — whom I highly recommend — click here, and be sure to follow her on Instagram and TikTok. And if you'd like to follow me on my journey, be sure to follow me on Instagram and TikTok.

You can DM me if you want advice or thoughts, but always consult your doctor!

I'd love to know what you thought. Keep in mind, you're commenting on the face and appearance of a real person (me), so be nice. :) Bye, y'all!

I received these treatments for free, but it did not impact my review. These are my personal, honest thoughts about the treatment.