Who Went Home on ‘The Bachelorette’ Tonight as Cheating Guy’s Past Is Exposed?

On fantasy suites week 7 of The Bachelorette, Charity Lawson was looking forward to evaluating her final three guys in romantic Fiji.

But on Monday night’s episode, one man “dropped a huge bomb” on her, forcing the sobbing star to send him home!

Last week, she had eliminated Aaron Bryant, even though she’d been falling in love with him.

As the show began, Charity was considering Xavier Bonner, Joey Graziadei and Dotun Olubeko as potential husbands.

Read on to find out what else happened on the pivotal episode!

How did Charity’s first one-on-one date begin?

The beautiful child and family therapist, 27, shared a Fiji pre-marriage ceremony with Xavier and locals.

Strangely, though, Xavier told cameras that Charity was “a delicate flower” whom he didn’t want to crush, and Charity wondered in confessional, “Why would you crush me?”

Cameras also showed a surprise--Aaron preparing to travel to Fiji to see if things were truly over with Charity.

What happened during Xavier’s dinner with Charity?

“Xavier, are you truly ready?” Charity asked the cameras about the suitor who earlier had reminded her of her cheating ex-beau.

She was right to worry as at the dinner table, Xavier mentioned his “doubts” about the relationship.

“Are you kidding me right now?” Charity said in confessional. “I have a little bit of a fear Xavier could hurt me.”

Then things exploded!

He told her, “In the past, with my ex, I was unfaithful and I wanted to tell you that because I know that is very triggering for you. It was disrespectful. It’s not the man that I am and I know that, for a marriage, you cannot do that.”

Charity interjected, “Are you kidding? No way.”

Xavier said, “I thought you deserved to know.”

In confessional, Charity raged, “I am shocked. Infidelity’s the biggest fear…this completely derails it.”

She cried that Xavier’s revelation was just two weeks from a possible proposal.

“Xavier dropped a huge bomb,” she said.

Charity left the table and noted that she was cheated on during a six-year relationship: “There’s nothing worse in this world than betrayal with a person that you love.”

Did Charity and Xavier’s conversation get worse?

The biomedical scientist told her, “I don’t want to ever end up unfaithful to you.”

Charity wondered if he had cheated multiple times in his previous relationship.

“It was multiple times in the span of five days,” he confirmed.

Startled Charity said, “Oh. Okay.”

“It happened like two years into our relationship,” Xavier admitted. “I wanted her to do and be who I wanted her to be and that was wrong. I chose myself instead of choosing her.”

Charity told cameras, “This is exactly what my ex did!”

Xavier told her that it would be hard "to choose one woman for the rest of my life."

Did they use the fantasy suite?

Charity showed Xavier a card inviting them to off-camera intimate time, but pressed him about commitment.

“In my mind, there is that doubt,” Xavier said. “For me to get to that point it has to happen tonight. I need to see more.”

Charity told cameras, “What do you need to see?!

“Us in a bedroom is not going to determine whether or not you can see longevity in a relationship! I’m so mad!” she said, dropping expletives. Twitter fans were also outraged.

Charity eliminated Xavier, saying she wasn’t “willing to settle.”

He rode away in the van.

She tearfully told cameras, “What happened tonight is making me lose hope.”

What happened on her date with Joey?

Charity and Joey’s ATV got stuck in the grass but they made the best of things with a romantic walk through a forest and kisses by a waterfall.

ABC/Charity was raring to go with Joey!
ABC/Charity was raring to go with Joey!

Joey downplayed Charity’s fears from last week, when his Uncle Joe had muddied the waters.

However, over dinner, Joey said, “Sometimes people fall in love with the idea of me.” Although Joey had a confident air, he admitted at times “I get in a funk.”

Charity identified with his people pleaser ways, and he said, “I am in love with you.”

She replied, “Oh, Joey. That makes me so happy. I am in love with you.”

They went into the fantasy suite together and the lights went off!

Charity and Joey woke up in bed in each other’s arms.

She said, “A love with Joey feels eternal.”

What happened on Charity’s date with Dotun?

They went jet skiing to a sand bar and while drinking champagne, Charity gushed about Dotun’s Nigerian immigrant family she’d met last week.

Dotun was so unfamiliar with The Bachelorette that he’d only recently realized that there could be an engagement at the end of the show. But he was fine with that!

“It’s an absolute fairy tale,” Charity said of their relationship.

Over dinner later, Dotun told her, “I never felt like fairy tales were meant for me. But here I am.”

He had no fears and Charity agreed, “Nothing feels wrong!”

Dotun said, “I’m genuinely in love with you, Charity.”

She responded, “I am 100 percent in love with you.”

They shared the fantasy suite and woke up in each other’s arms in bed.

“I could not have asked for a better night,” Charity sighed in confessional.

Did Aaron speak with Charity?

Aaron, who had been eliminated last week, arrived in Fiji and found Charity by the pool.

She was surprised, but told cameras she wasn’t mad.

“I don’t know if I made the right choice,” Charity told Aaron about letting him go.

She had previously bonded with Aaron's loving mom.

Both agreed they’d been falling in love with each other, and Charity took a break to think things over as the episode ended.