If You Went To An Ivy League School, Tell Us Something People Would Be Surprised To Know
1 min read
Ivy League schools are known for being prestigious, selective, and extremely secretive. While not everyone will make it into an "elite" college, that doesn't mean that everyone should miss out on the drama that lurks behind those ivy-covered walls.
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That's why I'm asking the BuzzFeed Community: If you attended an Ivy League school, what's something that the rest of us might be surprised to know about it? It can be weird, or wild, unexpected, or anything in between.
Maybe you worked your ass off for four years of high school to earn a scholarship to your dream school, only to find that your classmates were some of the most privileged, pretentious people you've ever met — with more money than they knew what to do with.
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Or maybe you're not really a party person and wanted to go to an Ivy League school to prioritize your studies, only to find that your fellow students party way harder than anyone you've ever seen.
Paramount / Via media.giphy.com
And it was another reminder that it's not necessarily what you know, but who you know.
Or maybe you were invited to be a part of a "secret society" — and this is your opportunity to finally spill the beans!
Apple TV / Via media.giphy.com
Whatever it is, tell us below in the comments — or use this anonymous form — and your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed post.
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