Why Demi Moore Thought ‘Ghost’ Might Be a ‘Disaster’

Demi Moore recently opened up about why she wasn't so sure the movie Ghost would be successful.

During an interview with Howard Stern for his radio show, the 60-year-old actress said she was nervous about pulling off the 1990 film Ghost.

"Reading it on paper with these three components, like I thought this is either going to be amazing or an absolute disaster," she admitted while appearing on the Howard Stern Show. "It's a comedy, a thriller, and a romance. Like how are they gonna pull that off?"

The actress went on to say that the film ended up working out. "Everything about it like worked and dealing with the subject of, you know, of afterlife. Things that people were not certainly open to as we are now," Moore said.

This isn't the first time Moore discussed her thoughts on Ghost, which despite her concerns, went on to win multiple awards and score nominations for even more.

In 2013, at the Target Presents AFI Night at the Movies, Moore spoke before the '90s film played for a crowded room.

"It's shocking to think this movie was made 25 years ago and being a part of something that has had the beauty of truly standing up against the test of time. I was trying to think about what I could share with you that you don't already know, and I was thinking about being a young actress and getting this script that Joel Rubin had written and finding it so fascinating and different," she told the audience.

"It's a love story, and it's a guy—a dead guy—trying to save his wife—and there is a comedy part, but really, really it's a love story, and I thought, Wow, this is really a recipe for disaster. It's either going to be something really special, really amazing, or really an absolute bust, and the beauty of being at the beginning of your career, and it's important to remember at any stage of your life is taking the risk is always where the reward is, and I think the beauty in this film is that none of us knew, and the alchemy that came together with Whoopi [Goldberg] and Patrick [Swayze], and our film editor, Walter Murch, and Adam Greenberg, our DP, it just had a magic. What's interesting is that I learned one really big lesson on this film, which is that I went to see it and everyone was moved."

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