Why People Think Melania Trump's Latest Look Is Another Dig at Her Husband


For some, an all-black wardrobe is a lifestyle. (Guilty.) For others, it's a political statement. And sometimes, you're just out of clean, colorful clothes.

So which category does Melania Trump fall into?

The First Lady stepped out alongside her husband in New York at the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday morning in an all-black belted, sleeveless utility dress. The silhouette has become something of her signature, as is her habit of matching her 6-inch stiletto heels (usually a Louboutin or a Manolo Blahnik) perfectly to her ensemble. This time she opted for patent black pair, to spice it up a little bit.

The last several times that Melania has stepped out, she's worn at least some kind of color, be it a patriotic navy, a sunny yellow or an off-white. Even the last time she wore black, she broke up the monotony with white trousers and sneakers. So as for the meaning behind her latest look, we can rule out an all-black aesthetic.

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Which brings us to the second option: Could FLOTUS have been trying to tell us something with head-to-toe ebony? Twitter seems to think so. As soon as she was spotted, users theorized that she had chosen the color on purpose as a nod to the #BelieveSurvivors walkout, which technically occurred one day earlier, on Monday. As a form of protest against the confirmation of Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who has now been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, people across the country dressed in black and walked out of their workplaces, homes, classrooms, and more to show solidarity with the accusers.

Twitter's favorite game is to theorize that Melania is giving subtle digs at her husband, by way of tweeting about the passing of John McCain and his service to the country, or about LeBron James's charity work, or refusing to hold Trump's hand. But could this theory actually hold water?

Black has become something of a symbol of the #MeToo movement since it first became a part of the public conversation last year. Time's Up, the organization which was born in Hollywood following the Weinstein scandal, chose a black and white theme for their logo. During last year's Golden Globes, they also instituted an unofficial "blackout," where attendees were encouraged to wear black as a show of support.

Of course, Melania has worn all-black ensembles before. Even in her official White House portrait she's wearing a black Dolce & Gabbana blazer, and at her husband's first address to joint sessions of Congress, she wore a black belted Michael Kors skirt suit.

While it's true that timing is everything, it might be a stretch to consider FLOTUS's dress a subtle jab against Brett Kavanaugh. This afternoon she will step out once again to address the spouses of U.N. Leaders at the General Assembly, and to discuss the itinerary of her impending trip to Africa. Standby for subliminal fashion messages.