This woman focused on getting healthy — and lost 167 pounds — for a touching reason: ‘I wanted to be a mom’

Weight-Loss Wins is an original Yahoo series that shares the inspiring stories of people who have shed pounds healthfully.

Eden SanBoeuf is 29 years old and 5 feet 5 inches tall, and she currently weighs 138 pounds. In 2015, after realizing that her dream of becoming a mother was threatened by her weight, she decided to pursue a healthier lifestyle for the sake of her family. This is her weight-loss story.

SanBoeuf decided to make a change when her dream of becoming a mother was threatened by her weight. (Photos: Courtesy of Eden SanBoeuf)
SanBoeuf decided to make a change when her dream of becoming a mother was threatened by her weight. (Photos: Courtesy of Eden SanBoeuf)

The Turning Point

I had been overweight all of my life. Even as a child I was made fun of and spent time seeing nutritionists. My weight fluctuated with on-and-off dieting.

About halfway through 2014, I decided that I needed to change. I was in my 20s and having health problems. I was so out of shape that normal tasks were exhausting. I knew I wanted to have children and that where I was, that wasn’t going to be possible. I got married in November 2014, at my heaviest weight, around 305 pounds. I had an amazing wedding day, but the photos only further showed me I had to change my life. I had finally had enough of struggling with being overweight, fighting food addiction and using food to cope.

SanBoeuf fell in love with hiking on weekends. (Photo: Courtesy of Eden SanBoeuf)
SanBoeuf fell in love with hiking on weekends. (Photo: Courtesy of Eden SanBoeuf)

The Changes

I started on Jan. 1, 2015, as my New Year’s resolution. I downloaded the MyFitnessPal app to track calories and nutrition and started eating much healthier. I ate lean meats, fruits and veggies, healthy grains, and dairy, and I used portion control and moderation. If I wanted ice cream or something less healthy, I had it as a treat on occasion. I allowed myself to have foods I loved, even ones that weren’t the healthiest, because I knew that this was a new lifestyle — not just a diet. I wanted to stick to it long-term. I had made my mind up that changes were going to happen. I was ready.

When I started, I worked out three days a week using a stationary bike, walking, and doing Zumba. I also started being active on the weekends and found a new hobby in going for hikes. As the weight started to drop, I increased my workouts. I found Fitness Blender on YouTube. I love their workouts and started with the easier videos. Now I’ve worked my way up.

I stayed motivated by knowing where I wanted to be. I wanted to be a mom; I wanted to be happier and healthier, and to be a good wife. And for all of that to happen I knew I had to take care of myself first. I couldn’t give up.

In the first year, SanBoeuf lost more than 100 pounds. (Photo: Courtesy of Eden SanBoeuf)
In the first year, SanBoeuf lost more than 100 pounds. (Photo: Courtesy of Eden SanBoeuf)

The After

In the first year, I lost more than 100 pounds. Then I got pregnant in November 2016. I was thrilled! This was what I had been wanting my entire life. This was what I was working for. I had to continue to eat well and take care of myself, but I also had to be sure I was healthy for pregnancy. Unfortunately, we lost our first son, Wyatt, on Jan. 26, 2016, to a neural tube defect called anencephaly. I was crushed. I knew I could easily slip back into my old ways and gain all my weight back. Instead I chose to use this as a time for change. I changed my mindset to focus on the positive. Of course I wanted Wyatt here with us, but instead I chose to keep his memory alive and use it for positivity.

So I continued my health journey, and in May 2016, I again got pregnant with our rainbow baby. On Feb. 3, 2017, our second son, Joey, was born. This pregnancy was full of emotions and worries for me. I had gained about 60 pounds back that I had to re-lose, but I chose not to give up and kept pushing.

Today I am at 138 pounds and continue to work on myself. I have new goals. I don’t focus on weight loss anymore; I focus on being the best me, physically and mentally. After losing all this weight, I feel amazing. It’s surreal to see how far I’ve come. Sometimes I have to remind myself how hard I’ve worked. Losing this amount of weight is very emotional. You basically become a new person. I’m so proud of what I’ve accomplished, and mentally I am a much more positive and happier person. I choose to live this way and focus on the good. Physically, I have a new body. I am able to do things I never thought possible.

I think what surprised me most is how much more I enjoy life now. Small tasks like going to the grocery store aren’t difficult anymore, and that is awesome. I was also surprised by how much I enjoy working out. I used to hate everything physical. Now I love it!

The Maintenance

I eat the same way I did while losing — mostly healthy, but I use moderation when I want cookies or whatever I’m in the mood for. I still track my food because it helps me stay on track, only now I track to be sure I’m getting enough nutrients. I exercise 5-6 days a week, and my workouts are much more intense. I incorporate high-intensity interval training and strength training. I love the post-workout rush! It’s one of my favorite parts of the day.

I plan. I keep healthy foods in the house. I carry healthy snacks. I make sure to drink all the water I need in a day. I practice positive thinking to help cope with stress instead of eating my feelings. I continue to work out — even when I don’t feel like it — because it’s a habit now. I know it’s good for me, and I never regret it afterward.

What inspires me today is how far I’ve come. I know this is my lifestyle now, and I want to keep going. I stay motivated because I love this life. My family needs me to take care of myself so that I can be there for them. I also stay motivated by helping others. I love sharing my story to show that it can be done. I even made a Facebook page called Getting Healthy with Eden to share my story to help inspire others.

SanBoeuf practices positive thinking to help cope with stress instead of “eating my feelings.” (Photos: Courtesy of Eden SanBoeuf)
SanBoeuf practices positive thinking to help cope with stress instead of “eating my feelings.” (Photos: Courtesy of Eden SanBoeuf)

The Struggles

I will always love sweets. That is just a part of me. So instead of eating a whole pack of cookies, I make sure to only get them as treats and keep healthier sweet snack options in the house (no foods that could trigger a binge for me). I am also always in the process of learning and accepting the new me. I spent most of my life being overweight, so it is still new to me to no longer be that person.

Her best advice for people looking to lose weight is to “find your why.” (Photo: Courtesy of Eden SanBoeuf)
Her best advice for people looking to lose weight is to “find your why.” (Photo: Courtesy of Eden SanBoeuf)


My best advice is to be ready and find your why. Why are you doing this? Are you ready to put in work and make changes? Be patient. You didn’t get overweight quickly. It takes time to lose it too. Most of all, know that you can do this. I did it, and I am no different than you. Just a normal everyday person who had dreams and goals. I knew I could achieve them, and you can too!

Follow Eden’s Journey on Facebook here.

Need more inspiration? Read about our other weight-loss winners!

Weight-Loss Win is authored by Andie Mitchell, who underwent a transformative, 135-pound weight loss of her own.

Have a weight-loss win to share? We want to hear it! Tell us at [email protected].

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