18 Times Men Saw A Horrifically Inappropriate Time To Hit On Women And Still Thought, "Yep, I'm Doing It"
2 min read
Sometimes, women just want to live their lives in peace, and not have to worry about getting approached by men while doing totally mundane, ordinary things, like getting gas, or having a job.
madlaceann / Via reddit.com
Unfortunately, some men think there's no time or place too inappropriate to hit on a woman. And it’s truly making me wonder: Can a woman do anything without getting hit on?
1.Can a woman even discover her ancestry without getting hit on?
SupermanRR1980 / Via reddit.com
2.Can a woman even be a mother?
citycherub / Via reddit.com
3.Can a woman even buy an affordable bookcase?
roxypotter13 / Via reddit.com
4.Can a woman even be home at the same time as her roommate?
Lovveen / Via reddit.com
Lovveen / Via reddit.com
Lovveen / Via reddit.com
5.Can a woman even grieve her dad's death?
JadeShade / Via reddit.com
6.Can a woman even get arrested?
Lavenderf0x / Via reddit.com
7.Can a woman even play video games?
albinorhino215 / Via reddit.com
8.Can a woman even be a girl on the internet?
thatblowschunks / Via reddit.com
9.Can a woman even deliver food?
skylarparker / Via reddit.com
10.Can a woman even follow traffic laws?
trasha- / Via reddit.com
11.Can a woman even ask a question?
koberulz_24 / Via reddit.com
12.Can a woman even network?
45b16 / Via reddit.com
45b16 / Via reddit.com
13.Can a woman even advance her career?
pnk1995 / Via reddit.com
14.Can a woman even sell her crochet items?
thisislikemythirdone / Via reddit.com
thisislikemythirdone / Via reddit.com
15.Can a woman even live alone?
toshredsyousaay / Via reddit.com
16.Can a woman even have an app?
lofitaco / Via reddit.com
17.Can a woman even pick up her prescription or get fast food without getting hit on?
LdyMac / Via reddit.com
18.Finally, can a woman even be single for a whole day?
admiralasskicker / Via reddit.com