If You're Sleeping With A Gemini, Prepare For Some Major Kink
Lots of things influence a person's fondness for kink—the way they were raised, their exposure to porn, their Myers-Brigg personality (just guessing on that one). But one factor that's basically (literally) written in the stars: their zodiac sign.
"Some signs are predestined to be more exploratory, aggressive, or controlling by nature, which carries over into sex," says Angel Eyedealism, an astrologer in New York City. It's not an end-all, be-all, but "it's rare to find a person whose sexual tendencies don't align with their sign's traits to some degree."
Not sure what you're getting yourself into with a new partner...or looking for some explanation of your own inner kink-o-meter? These are the five most kinky signs of the zodiac—do with the info what you please (wink).
Sex with a Gem is a mènage á trois by default—it is the sign of the twins, after all. "Geminis are a mutable sign, which means they like to change things up regularly and try new things," Eyedealism says. "There's always an element of surprise, and they rarely do the same move twice. It's like having a threesome."
Geminis are also an intellectual air sign—so they're especially skilled in reading what their partner wants. "They're super interactive and responsive, so the sex will just keep getting better," Eyedealism adds.
Plus, as the zodiac's prime communicators, a Gem can dirty talk like no other...even about things that would make other signs do a double take (raunchy public-bathroom sex, anyone?). If you or your partner have a sun and Venus sign in Gemini, expect some extra (as in, quadruple-level) kinky sex.
Ruled by Uranus, the most experimental ruling planet, an Aquarius is straight-up "what was that?"-inducing in bed.
As a fixed air sign, they're likely to have a sensual fixation of sorts, or perhaps even a fetish. "They can't stand anyone or anything boring," says Eyedealism. (Read: no missionary sex here.)
"Aquarians love the element of shock and awe, so they could be very into S&M," says Eyedealism. And because Uranus rules electricity, this sign likes to incorporate electricity into their love life, either literally (via vibrators and buzzing clamps) or with their stimulating personality.
"This is the fun, interesting, wacky, crazy sexual partner who is going to be your 'nutty buddy' more than your cuddle buddy," Eyedealism adds. So if you're looking for vanilla romps with a rom-com finish, an Aquarius may not be for you. They're much more like a thriller/drama...but a sexpot one, at least.
The "race-car driver" of the zodiac, an Aries will never take it slow in the boudoir.
"They're a cardinal fire sign, which means they're pushy and hot," says Eyedealism. "They like to take control and dominate, so BDSM is definitely an option for them."
Aries women especially love a challenge, so they might view bedding someone as an exciting hunt, interested in seeing just how far their "prey" will go. "Subtlety is nonexistent with Aries, so expect hardcore sex with direct eye contact and no mixed messages," explains Eyedealism.
If your partner is an Aries, don't be surprised by their aggression—they like the conquest, the "roar" of sex. Enjoy it...and let them know.
This one may surprise you, Eyedealism notes.
Virgos are a very fertile, horny sign, which means they're pretty much always DTF. But because they also tend to be perfectionists, they treat sex as a much-needed outlet from the day-to-day—and thus take it to the next level.
"Every Virgo has some level of OCD," says Eyedealism. "That makes the sex not super free-flowing and kind of clinical, which gives room for a good amount of kink." (One example? Doctor-patient role-play.)
Virgos are also very skilled in technique and might even read or watch tutorials on various sex acts. "They are very precise about what they need, so they might be extra directive with a partner," Eyedealism adds. That could teeter into the control-freak—or BDSM—category. Or it could mean you're in for a "school" lesson (complete with a skort and stockings).
Scorpios might be the most sadistic of the zodiac bunch, making them a no-brainer on the list of kinkiest signs.
"Scorpio is a fixed water sign, so there's an element of fixation and obsession that can translate into very extreme sex," says Eyedealism. In fact, show a Scorpio a boring time in the bedroom and you'll likely never see them naked again.
Scorps are melodramatic and intense and prefer a sex life that is the same. "They tend to like penetration in extreme ways, like anal or with unexpected toys," says Eyedealism. They get jealous easily, enjoy pushing boundaries, and can compartmentalize like a mofo—all things that make for major kink.
"They can disconnect easily during sex, which opens the door to all kinds of crazy fun," Eyedealism explains. If, ya know, you can move past their ferocity to get that far.
If You're Sleeping With A Gemini, Prepare For Some Major Kink
Lots of things influence a person's fondness for kink—the way they were raised, their exposure to porn, their Myers-Brigg personality (just guessing on that one). But one factor that's basically (literally) written in the stars: their zodiac sign.
"Some signs are predestined to be more exploratory, aggressive, or controlling by nature, which carries over into sex," says Angel Eyedealism, an astrologer in New York City. It's not an end-all, be-all, but "it's rare to find a person whose sexual tendencies don't align with their sign's traits to some degree."
Not sure what you're getting yourself into with a new partner...or looking for some explanation of your own inner kink-o-meter? These are the five most kinky signs of the zodiac—do with the info what you please (wink).
Plus, four other signs that will have your head spinning in bed.
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