How Your Zodiac Sign Can Use Venus in Gemini’s Social Butterfly Vibes
Venus has been hanging out in its domicile (that’s fancy astrologer talk for “favorite sign”) Taurus for the past few weeks, but now the planet of love, pleasure, and beauty is swooping into the mutable air sign, Gemini. The air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are totally thriving with this astro-weather, but just a heads up for every sign—Venus will turn retrograde in Gemini starting May 13.
Venus rules relationships. While the planet of love was in sensual fixed sign Taurus, you probably had some extremely intimate moments with your boo. But those vibes weren’t great for forming new connections. Now that Venus is gliding through the chattiest sign, Gemini, it’s the perfect time for forming new connections—romantic or platonic. It’s also a great time for communication in general, so you’re having a great time chatting, texting, or FaceTiming with your pals. If you’re single, it’s a good time to open your fav dating apps and start swiping! Since Venus also governs beauty, it’s not a bad time to try a new haircut (maybe cut your own bangs?), experiment with a new makeup lewks, or get creative with your WFH ‘fits.
Gemini loves variety, so you’re attracted to tons of new kinds of people right now. You’re finding casual acquaintances weirdly intriguing, and you’ve got about seven new Twitter crushes. You’re also feeling brainy right now—you want to find someone who you can talk with for hours and not get bored.
The only issue here is that Venus in Gemini can carry rather superficial vibe, so although you’re chatting with sooo many new people, the connections you make can fade fast. It’s not necessarily the best time to make a new BFF or start a LTR—think casual over serious rn. So go ahead and flirt all you want!
In a time when socializing isn’t very easy (or even safe in some circumstances), Venus in Gemini is helping you connected with others even when they’re not with you IRL. Organize a Zoom happy hour with your squad, start a group chat with all of your besties, or—if you’re feeling frisky—send some sexy snaps to your boo! However, watch out—Venus is about to go retrograde in Gemini, so that one ex from 5ever ago is almost certain to double/triple/quadruple-text you soon. Don’t worry–until that retrograde starts, Venus in curious, fun-loving Gemini is helping you make tons of new connections!
Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscopes below:
You’re feeling chattier than ever, Aries. You’re hitting up all your friends, constantly on the phone/FaceTiming your boo, and eagerly sliding into your crush’s DMs—and if you’re not hitting them up, then there are certainly plenty of new, cute faces trying to holler at you!
So, your fav planet isn’t in your sign anymore (boo!) but that doesn’t mean the party’s over, Venus is mainly known for being the planet of love, but did you know that Venus also governs money? Now that Venus is in your chart’s finances sector, it’s waaay easier to earn some extra cash. Just be careful not to spend it all, especially since Venus Retrograde is coming up soon.
While Venus is zooming through your sign, it helps you embody its vibes. You’re looking good, feeling gorgeous, and your sense of style is *chef’s kiss* right now! Update your wardrobe, get a makeover, do whatevs you can to feel as hot as possible now—anything to take advantage of Venus in your sign!
Venus is operating in a very “behind closed doors” manner for you, Cancer, and your love life might actually die down a bit. Instead, talk one-on-one with your closest friends and loved ones, and get to know them on a way deeper level. It’s also a good time to fade out any outdated or unhealthy relationships. You might even find out you have a secret admirer (or you’re secretly admiring someone) and a down-low, hush-hush new love affair may begin.
Great news, Leo—Venus in Gemini is basically making you the most popular person around. This transit is meh for your love life (though it’s not bad by any means), but it’s really making your social life glow up! Your group chat is constantly busy, your squad is spilling juicy gossip to you, and people are hitting you up 25/8 for the next few weeks.
While Venus is in Gemini, its lovely vibes are illuminating your chart’s tenth house, AKA your zone of career and public image. This means, you’re slaying on the job, and your boss is eating it up. You’re doing the work that could lead to a raise or promotion down the line, though it might take a while to see results. This transit also signifies the possibility of starting a new romantic affair with someone older than you or in a position of authority. Hot!
Venus in Gemini is making everyone love variety, but this is doubly true for your sign, Libra. You’re attracted to people that are totally unlike anyone you’ve ever been into before. You’re extremely interested in someone from far away (like a totally different country) or anyone with a background much different from your own. It’s a good time for online dating or FaceTime flirting with your crush, so get out your phone, open your fav dating apps, and start swiping!
Gemini and you are tooootally different, Scorpio. Gemini is intellectual and somewhat superficial, while you’re intense, emotional, and have remarkable depth. I know that sounds bad, but hear me out: this transit is actually allowing you to relate to others in new ways, which helps you connect in a much deeper, more intimate way. This is especially true in the bedroom–Venus in Gemini is one of the sexiest transits ever for your sign. You’re getting to know your partner in profound, new ways. Sounds pretty hot, right?
Venus in your opposite sign signifies a time where you’re primarily focusing on your one-on-one relationships—the kind you share with your best friends, business partners, and boo. This is a great time to strengthen your already-existing connections with others. You’re also able to upgrade a situationship into something more serious, or turn a casual acquaintance into a real friend. Just a heads-up, though—since Venus Retrograde is happening in Gemini this year, you need to watch out for exes or ex-friends who may make a surprise reappearance in your life.
Venus is currently in your chart’s sixth house, which rules your daily routine, work, and wellness. You tend to live a pretty structured life, but if you’re noticing that a part of your daily routine isn’t working for you, now’s the time to make a change. You should also check out your daily self-care habits. Now’s the time to reorganize your life, get your sh*t together, and take care of you, so that when Venus is in your chart’s relationship zone in August, you’re the best version of yourself and able to upgrade your relationships, big time!
Get ready to slay, Aquarius! Venus is hanging out in your chart’s fifth house, which rules romance, sex, creativity, and fun, for the next several weeks. By just being yourself, you’re effortlessly becoming more attractive to others. You’re radiating charisma, so you can anticipate your love life to become way better and way busier soon!
Despite Gemini’s reputation as a busy, upbeat sign, you’re actually taking it easy over the next few weeks. You’re a huge fan of just doing you and having as much alone time as you need, and this transit is helping you do just that. Life at home is going good, you’re getting along with your roomies, and you’re having an easier time connecting with your family. You’re way less likely to go out of your way to meet new people—instead, you’re focused on getting to know those closest to you even better.
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