The Definitive Guide to Organizing Your Fridge
If you’ve ever found yourself pushing aside a carton of eggs, several Bell peppers, and a teetering bottle of wine only to find two containers of yogurt instead of ketchup, we’re here to put an end to this fridge fiasco.
Let’s start from scratch: Take everything out of your refrigerator, making sure to put perishables in a cooler for the time being and tossing out any expired food. Now’s also the time to give it a good cleaning. Be sure to avoid soap or chemical cleaners, as food can absorb the smell. Instead, try an apple cider vinegar and hot water mixture, with a 3:1 water-to-vinegar ratio.
Once cleaned, line the shelves with press and seal cling wrap. This can really be a game-changer. How many many times have you had a spot of spilled salad dressing outlast the actual bottle? Well, lining your fridge will put an end to that. Just pull it out and replace with a new sheet as needed. And to top it off, they come in some cool decorative patterns.
Related on Yahoo Makers: The Top 10 Organizing Tips From an Expert
Once you’ve got your shelves cleaned and sealed, it’s time for bins! Labelled bins are the perfect way to make sure everything stays in its right place. And not only can you organize by type (e.g. meats, sauces, fruits), you can also group them by expiration date, or even by recipe.
While we’ve been busy filling your new clean and orderly fridge with delicious foodstuffs, let’s take a moment to look over some food items that don’t need to be in there.
1. Honey
2. Coffee beans
3. Tomatoes
4. Potatoes
5. Hot sauce
6. Spices
7. Garlic
(image via Homedit)
Okay, great, onto the next problem solver: The wine bottle stabilizer.
If you’re a fan of chilled wine, chances are you’ve never found a way to store a too-tall bottle on the shelves. Perhaps you’ve tried to wedge it into a corner, or leaned it against the wall and buttressed it with a tub of Country Crock. Well, these gadgets are a great fix: they’re cheap, effective and take up zero space. Plus they look classy, too.
Related on Yahoo Makers: 12 Cool Ways to Use Those Empty Wine Bottles
(image via Pintest 365)
On that note, check out this DIY fix.
We all know beers and other bottled beverages are best served cold, but storing them can be a headache. With a single binder clip, you can save space and avoid a bottle avalanche!
More Refrigerator Solutions
These last two tips aren’t organizational, but they’re too good to leave out when delving into this cool topic.
If you’re in a communal living or office situation where trust is less than total, then this is for you: The Fridge Locker. Gone are the days when you wake bright and early only to find your morning scone has disappeared without a trace, and you’re stuck eating a couple of Mallomars for breakfast.
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(image via Crazy Food)
Lastly, have you ever returned from shopping only to discover the newly-purchased tub of yogurt has a twin lurking in the cold darkness of your refrigerator? Next time, avoid this scary scenario by opening your fridge wide, take a picture with your phone, and tada! No more costly duplicates!
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