'Blade Runner 2049' Featurette Unites Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford...and Frank Sinatra
Thirty-five years after director Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner set a new standard in science-fiction cinema, Arrival helmer Denis Villeneuve will team with original star Harrison Ford on a long-in-the-making sequel: Blade Runner 2049, due in theaters in October. The follow-up has been the subject of intense media scrutiny for the better part of the past year, and movie fans finally got their first substantial peeks at the film last month, when Ford, Villeneuve and new headliner Ryan Gosling premiered its debut trailer (which was later compared, side-by-side, with its predecessor). Now, we have an even more in-depth look at the upcoming release, a featurette that sheds little light on its story but provides a considerable amount of stunning new imagery (watch it above).
Blade Runner 2049: Time to Live begins with some crooning from a Frank Sinatra hologram, segues into various futuristic scenes set in striking interiors and neon-drenched city streets, and ends with gunfire and explosions. Interspersed comments from its principal players include Villeneuve admitting that “I’ve never felt so much pressure on my shoulders thinking Ridley Scott will see this movie,” and Gosling praising cinematographer Roger Deakins for his masterful work on the project: “Roger is a master storyteller. You realize once you are in one of his shots, half your work has already been done.”
And as for Ford, here reprising yet another of his most famous roles (after 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens)? “The story, the themes, the stunning visual environments — it was a pleasure getting back to the world of Blade Runner again…I think it’s kind of fun to play a character 30 years later. I’m used to trying on old clothes. Happily, they still fit.”
Blade Runner 2049, also starring Jared Leto, Robin Wright, Ana de Armas, and Dave Bautista, lands in theaters on Oct. 6.
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