Meet the Black Panther: 3 Things to Know About Marvel's Latest Movie Hero

Fans don’t have to wait for Marvel’s inaugural Black Panther movie in February 2018 to get a first glimpse of the badass, martial-arts-savvy Marvel hero in action. The film, about comic book’s first black superhero, will star Chadwick Boseman (Get on Up, 42) as the African warrior-prince — but first he’s dropping in on Captain America and the gang in next spring’s Civil War, as tantalizingly teased in the first action-packed trailer. And now more details about Black Panther, whose alter ego is T'Challa, have just surfaced in Entertainment Weekly. Here’s a quick primer on the super-smart, superfast hero from the nation of Wakanda.

1. His Loyalties Are Divided in Civil War.
As shown ever-so-briefly in the Captain America: Civil War trailer, Black Panther gives Bucky Barnes a roundhouse kick to the face. The film’s has Cap and Iron Man digging in against each other after an international move to register those with “enhanced abilities.” Black Panther is drawn in to the clash, though his allegiance remains fluid. “You never quite know where he stands,” Bosemen told EW. “There’s always a bit of concealing and mystery.”

2. He’s Got More Than Just Mad Martial Arts Skills.
Boseman says his fighting mimics the styles of snakes and other animals in addition to his trademark cat attacks. “Obviously, there’s an opportunity to do some capoeira,” noted the 39-year-old actor of the Brazilian martial art. But the Panther’s fighting style also incorporates his nimble, strategic mind. “The key with T'Challa is to keep everybody on their toes,” added Boseman. “It’s to do the thing that is surprising, that you wouldn’t expect. So there’s a lot of agility… I wouldn’t say he’s a ninja, but he does employ some of those aspects as well.”
3. His Suit Is Super Sleek But Uncomfortable.
Taking a cue from the Marvel Comics source material, Black Panther’s costume is made of the insanely durable, dynamic vibranium — the same imaginary metal that makes up Cap’s shield. It’s strong meteoric ore that can absorb energy. “It has a sheen because it’s a weave of the strongest metal in this fictional universe,” said Civil War co-director Joe Russo, explaining that it looks like a thinly woven medieval chain. Even Panther’s retractable claws are made of the metal. Off-screen, however, the supersuit isn’t very comfortable. “I remember feeling extremely hot and claustrophobic, like, ‘How in the world am I gonna move and act and respond in this?’” Boseman said. “But the shoes feel good. Everything else you get used to.”