5 Highlights from the 'Terminator: Genisys' Trailer

The first trailer for Terminator Genisys is here, and it looks, well … like a Terminator movie: Lots of cyborgs, lots of people traveling in time to prevent said cyborgs from killing other people, and lots of frowny-faced Schwarzenegger. Here are some of the highlights. As the old Terminator line goes, “Come with me if you want to GIF!”


1) So many formidable weapons!

As with all Terminator flicks, Genisys centers on the battle between evil, world-conquering cyborgs and a group of crafty (but heavily armed) humans. But who’s got the bigger guns this time around: That grinning T-model, or Divergent's Jai Courtney? The latter plays Kyle Reese, the insurgent fighter who's sent to the past by John Connor (Jason Clarke) to rescue Connor's mom and, presumably, eat five creatine smoothies a day.


2) So many Terminators!

At one point, we get a look at the meat-locker where the slumbering Terminators are kept in cold storage. Looking at those dangling bodies reminds us a bit of that creepy hanging-patient scene from ComaIt also reminds us that we need to change the baking soda in the fridge.


3) So much Arnie!

In Genisys, Schwarzenegger plays a Terminator who’s also been sent to the past to protect Connor — which means he has to fend off other Terminators, including one played by a circa-1984 Schwarzenegger. If we can now digitally insert Arnie into all of his older storylines, does that mean the long-awaited Junior prequel can be far behind?


4) So many familiar lines and faces!

Clearly, Genisys doesn’t shy away from going back to the future (or is that going back to the past where they went from the future back to the past?) Sarah Connor — played by Game of Thrones' Emilia Clarke — has her big-hero moment by invoking one of the franchise's best-known one-liners. And we see a new iteration of the liquid-metal T-1000 model (played by Red 2's Byung-hun Lee). Knives work if you can get it!


5) So much San Francisco chaos!

As if being beaten up in Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Godzilla wasn’t enough, the city apparently gets laid to waste again in Genisys, with a bus flipping across the Golden Gate BridgeOn the plus side: Maybe this will drive the city’s rents down a smidge.


6) So little Genesis!

Based on its tile, we were hoping for a quick glance of Phil Collins and co. in the Genisys trailer. For now, we’ll have to make do with above GIF from the video for Land of Confusion – which, come to think of it, would make a good alternate title for the time-travel-intensive new Terminator movie. We’ll see if Arnie and friends still have a hold on our hearts when Terminator: Genisys opens in July.