The 'Rogue One' Cast Explains Who Their Characters Are in New 'Star Wars' Film

For more than a year now, the cast of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has had to remain tight-lipped about the characters they’re playing in Lucasfilm’s first standalone adventure in the beloved saga. “Loose lips sink starships” was the motto J.J. Abrams drilled home on the set of The Force Awakens, setting the tone for Rogue helmer Gareth Edwards (Godzilla). And with a few notable exceptions — Donnie Yen posting (and quickly removing) Stormtrooper helmets from Instagram or lovable Dane Mads Mikkelsen letting slip that his character was the father of Felicity Jones’s heroine, Jyn Erso — they did a stellar job.

Today, though, at Star Wars Celebration Europe in London, the cast could finally, finally spill some intel on the folks they’re playing. And that they did, both during the film’s afternoon panel (where Mikkelsen noted Galen Erso was a scientist who built something “so beautiful” it changed the world, Riz Ahmed said Bodhi was an pilot who pays the bills by flying for the Empire, and Jiang Wen probably said more than he should have about his mercenary Baze) and then later to Yahoo Movies. Some were more revealing than others… You can read what they told us below:

Felicity Jones (Jyn Erso): Jyn Erso was an absolute joy to play. She’s a very instinctive woman. She has great courage. She doesn’t like to play by the rules. She can be defiant. She doesn’t play by the rules. She’s someone who likes to do things her own way. And throughout the film we see this woman finding her place in the universe and finding her purpose and becoming part of something that’s much bigger than herself, in a true Star Wars way.

Related: Here’s Felicity Jones Geeking Out Over the First ‘Rogue One’ Action Figure

Diego Luna (Captain Cassian Andor): My character is Captain Andor and he works for the Rebellion in intelligence. He’s in charge of a very important mission, and he has to go on this mission with Jyn Erso. It’s quite an interesting man. He has lots of secrets. And he’s been with the Rebellion for all of his life, and all he knows is fighting for this cause, for freedom. I really admire the guy.

Alan Tudyk (K-2SO): K-2SO is a former Imperial security droid who was reprogrammed by Cassion, Diego Luna’s character, and I belong to him. So he teams up with Jyn Erso to go on this mission, and so I’m there. I’m part of the team. And he’s great. Because of the reprogramming, he’s a little honest, he’s a little odd. He’s got no filter. He just says whatever he thinks. But he’s always looking out for Diego.

Forest Whitaker (Saw Gerrera): Saw Gerrera is a rebel fighter, a guerrilla fighter who is part of a team of individuals who are extreme rebels, fighting against Imperial forces.

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Donnie Yen (Chirrut ?mwe): He’s a blind warrior who believed in the spirituality of The Force, was a disciple of 'May the Force be with you.’ Don’t give him a lightsaber. If he gets a lightsaber, Darth Vader would be in trouble. So he’s a very cool cat.

Ben Mendelsohn (Imperial Director Orson Krennic): He’s a high-ranking intelligence officer in the Empire. He’s tasked with a very crucial project, and he is going to make sure that project gets delivered par excellence.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens Dec. 16.