Win a 'Suicide Squad' Starter Kit, Starring Harley Quinn


Are you psyched for The Suicide Squad? Cameras start rolling this spring on the Warner Bros. movie version of DC Comics’ unlikely band of supervillains pressed into service for missions no sane superhero would undertake.

The film stars Will Smith as master marksman Deadshot, Jared Leto as the Joker, and Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, the wackadoodle linchpin of the team.

While the plot remains under wraps, director David Ayers (Fury) has hinted in tweets that he’s going to use DC’s “New 52” version as source material and incorporate elements of the comic book’s deep history.


Much of the early attention (and fan art) has rightly focused on Robbie’s Harley Quinn. A breakout character in Batman cartoons and comics, Quinn is an Arkham Asylum psychiatrist who literally goes cuckoo for the Joker.


Now, to get one lucky Skwader prepared for the movie (due out Aug. 5, 2015) and to mark February’s designation as Harley Quinn Month (she’s an incurable romantic, right, Mr. J?), Yahoo Movies has teamed with DC Entertainment to create an epic Suicide Squad primer pack:


Here’s how to enter the giveaway:

Step 1: Follow @YahooMovies on Twitter

Step 2: Tweet this message:

I heart Harley Quinn and @YahooMovies: #SuicideSquad #skwad #YGiveaway @DCComics

Note: One entry per person/email address/Twitter handle.

Step 3: The giveaway ends 11:59 p.m. PT on February 13, 2015. Winners will be notified on Twitter and will receive a Direct Message with further information. Keep in mind, this giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.


Official Rules: Yahoo! Movies Giveaway: Suicide Squad/Harley Quinn


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4. Prizes: Grand Prize: (1) grand prize winner will receive one (1) prize pack that includes (a) Harley Quinn/Joker Kiss statue (retail price $250); (b) Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Hot in the City hardcover book (retail price $24.99); (c)  Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Kicked in the Teeth softcover book (retail price $14.99); (d) Harley Quinn Valentine’s Day Special No. 1 comic book (retail price $4.99); (e) Harley Quinn No. 15 comic book (retail price at $2.99). Limit one prize per winner. Prizes cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion or offer. Prizes may not be transferred or assigned except by Sponsor. Only listed prizes will be awarded and no substitutions, cash equivalents or redemptions will be made, except that Sponsor reserves the right to substitute any prize package with another prize of equal or greater value in the event that an advertised prize (or any component thereof) is not available. Expenses not specifically stated above, together with the reporting and payment of all applicable taxes, fees, and/or surcharges, if any, arising out of, or resulting from, acceptance or use of a prize, are the sole responsibility of the winner of that prize. Yahoo! expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for injury or loss to any person or property relating to the delivery and/or subsequent use of the prizes awarded. Yahoo! makes no representations or warranties concerning the appearance, safety, or performance of any prize awarded. Restrictions, conditions, and limitations apply. Promotion Entities will not replace any lost or stolen prize items.

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