Ranking This Season’s ‘American Idol’ Top 10

American Idol Season 15’s top 10 finalists (four picked Wednesday via the judges’ “Fast Pass,” six as elected by America on Thursday) have finally been revealed, after the long-delayed first public vote of the season. Sadly, three of my favorites – kooky cowgirl Jeneve Rose Mitchell, heart-sleeved indie boy Thomas Stringfellow, and, much more shockingly/depressingly, the wonderfully glitter-eyebrowed weirdo Jenn Blosil – did not rock the vote, and they were eliminated at the top of Thursday’s show. This leaves us with a much less interesting top 10 than I would have liked. Come on, every season needs some risk-takers to mix things up!

But with Dalton, Trent, Avalon, Olivia, MacKenzie, and La’Porsha in the mix, we still have a pretty awesome top six. So here’s Yahoo Music’s Reality Rocks’ definitive, definitely subjective ranking of all 10 surviving contestants. (Note: This ranking was created at the start of Thursday’s top 10 show, BEFORE La’Porsha Renae slayed and Sonika Vaid stepped it up. Check out my full recap here.)  

All photos: Michael Beck/Fox

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