An amoral, self-dealing, lying, cheating hypocrite is running for president. Be afraid.
An amoral, self-dealing, lying, cheating hypocrite runs for office
When someone says that they like Trump’s policies, I say this: Since the day Trump came down the golden escalator, he has proven himself to be an amoral, self-dealing, lying, cheating hypocrite.
Based on his attacks against our democracy, our Constitution, our institutions and our rule of law, in my opinion, he is also treasonous. He is an adjudicated sexual abuser, an adjudicated business fraud and now he is a convicted felon.
These are all labels he has invited upon himself, many he and his minions claim proudly. What depths of depravity are we going to allow him to reach?
Such a person cannot be a good president. Such a party is not capable of working in the best interests of the country as a whole.
The only way this country is going to have a government that functions effectively is for all its citizens is to decisively vote this bad man and his MAGA party into the dust bin of history.
Please get registered and make your voice heard.
Richard D. Back, New Albany
This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Trump is an amoral, lying, cheating hypocrite. You've been warned.