Biden says he will continue running for president. Readers debate his fitness for office

The letter writers below argue about President Joe Biden's fitness to serve in office. Agree or disagree? Or have a view on another topic entirely? Send a letter of 250 words or fewer to [email protected]. Include your full name, city/town, ZIP and contact information for verification. Thanks for adding to the public conversation.

The only Democrat Trump fears is Biden

In our history, when a political party backed someone other than the party’s incumbent, it lost 8 out of 12 times. If the party stayed with its incumbent, it won 21 out of 32 times. We would rather know, in advance, the outcome of an election, 100%.

If we look to the polls for advice, we only get what a very few voters think today. I did some telephone canvassing for a candidate two years ago and after 3 hours of non-stop calling, I was reaching mostly answering machines and a few hang-ups. I only connected with two individuals and one of those wasn’t interested in the election! Some pollsters have a bevy of loyal contacts, but the only poll that is 100% accurate is on November 5.

President Joe Biden speaks at the 115th NAACP National Convention at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center on July 16, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
President Joe Biden speaks at the 115th NAACP National Convention at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center on July 16, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The most widely known candidate who could take Joe Biden’s place is Vice President Kamala Harris,  which is exactly what she would do if Biden, as president, were incapacitated.  When former President Donald Trump was in the hospital three days with COVID, then Vice President Mike Pence was “on call” in case Trump had to be anesthetized. Trump evidently caught COVID because he usually did not wear a mask and he participated in “super-spreaders.”  He then minimized the severity of his illness, which was a month before the 2020 election.

I think that the only Democrat Trump fears is Joe Biden. We should keep Biden as our candidate.

Carol Tures, Nashville 37215

Neither Donald Trump nor any other leader deserves to be a target of political violence

Biden is not up to the job and we need another candidate

President Joe Biden’s June debate disaster has raised serious doubt about his ability to function as president for the next four years.

His effectiveness as an accomplished leader has taken a backseat to his apparent physical frailties. The ineffectiveness and the off-putting personality of Vice President Kamala Harris does not seem to offer a viable alternative to Donald Trump.

Trump’s stated mission of revenge and retribution could haunt our democracy for decades. Trump, however, cannot accomplish his stated goals and selfish desires without a MAGA majority in both houses of Congress. He must have (and fully expects to have) his minions and sycophants to ratify his dictatorial decrees.

Every non-MAGA voter in this country must turn their attention to every down-ballot election that will occur  concomitant with the Presidential election in November.

Don't be too hard on Biden. Here's how I know he may not be aware of any mental decline

Every down-ballot election has significance. Whether it be a moderate Republican, a moderate Democrat or a moderate Independent running in opposition to a Trump endorsed MAGA candidate do not let your inability to vote for Biden/Harris affect your ability to keep our country in the hands of stable, reasonable and intellectually honest people instead of a MAGA minority that has the potential to cause great harm to our nation.

The system of checks and balances that has served us well for 248 years must not be abandoned. Democracy can still be saved.

Chris Simpson, Franklin 37064

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Biden-Trump election: Readers debate incumbent's fitness for office