Buckeye Mayor Eric Orsborn answers why he's running again

The mayoral race for one of the fastest-growing cities in the country won’t be a competitive one, as current Buckeye Mayor Eric Orsborn is running unopposed for re-election.

Orsborn was first elected mayor in 2020 after serving on the Buckeye City Council for the previous 10 years as the District 6 representative. Orsborn has been prominent in the public eye in recent years as the city has navigated issues with groundwater supply and the city’s rapid growth.

The Arizona Republic sent Orsborn a number of questions about various city and state issues. Here’s how he responded.

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Vision: Why are you running for Buckeye mayor?

Why are you running for mayor of Buckeye? If elected, what will your first priority be? 

Orsborn: It has been my honor to serve as Buckeye Mayor for the past four years. I am running for re-election because I love the community we live in and want to continue to be a part of celebrating what we have as a city and playing a role in the success, opportunity and growth that is ahead of us. There is no other opportunity that comes close to the future of the City of Buckeye with the available land, natural amenities, professional skilled staff, economic development opportunities and a great council that works well together. It is truly one of the best jobs there is! My priority will be to continue to secure our water future, build transportation and water infrastructure to support the growth and continue the economic successes that we have seen in the last four years attracting and establishing employment and retail services to our city.

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Buckeye Mayor Eric Orsborn listens as residents speak during a City Council meeting on May 2, 2023.
Buckeye Mayor Eric Orsborn listens as residents speak during a City Council meeting on May 2, 2023.

New state policies will affect city budgets. If faced with a deficit, will you support raising taxes to maintain city services or cutting programs? Which specific services and/or taxes would you consider first and why? 

Orsborn: As a council we are committed to fiscal responsibility and protecting the taxpayers. We have experienced reductions in revenues due to actions at the state legislature. Much of the revenue is specific to multifamily developments and eliminating the ability of the city to collect a rental tax. Without this important revenue the city will have to find alternatives to fund roadway improvements and services required by our added population or delay the improvements. To date we have been able to overcome the legislation and the effect on our budget with population and economic expansion, but this may not always be the case.

Water: How should Buckeye grow, while preserving the water supply?

The availability of groundwater has complicated the development of Buckeye’s master planned communities. At what point, if any, should the city address this in the general plan? How? 

Orsborn: Buckeye is in great shape moving forward with water. We continue to work with the Governor’s Office and the Arizona Department of Water Resources to prove up the true picture of water in Buckeye. We have significant water resources and continue to work procuring additional water for long term growth. This water resource development includes acquiring water from the Harquahala Basin to the west, expanding our recharge of the Hasayampa basin with reclaimed water, partnering with the irrigation districts in the Buckeye area, participating in projects that develop more water resources such as the Bartlet Dam height increase and investigating the potential of longer-term projects such as desalination. All of this will be accomplished while also significantly reducing the amount of water used in new developments with water conservation standards approved by Council. We are well positioned to protect our water future.

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Jobs: What would Buckeye mayoral candidates propose to create jobs?

More than 88% of Buckeye residents commute outside of the city for work. What should the city do to create more local jobs? 

Orsborn: The City of Buckeye has had great success in attracting employment to our community. Over the last four years we have attracted over 5,000 new jobs to the area, those jobs will be online within the next couple years. Included are a significant number of high-paying advanced manufacturing or healthcare related employers. Many of these companies have come to Buckeye because of our workforce, available land, favorable business environment and population growth. One of the biggest concerns for prospects is the “speed to market”. Over 80% of the prospects are seeking land that is ready for vertical construction or an existing building that they can move into. We will continue working with the development community to create shovel ready projects or move-in ready buildings. Additionally, employers want varied housing options for their employees. It is imperative that we work to develop diverse housing options from affordable to luxury into the market. Buckeye also has the ability to develop employment opportunities that don’t exist in other areas. We are currently working on our Airport Master Plan with a Long Range Plan that details the vision we have for our existing Airport. When built, this will be a game changer for the City of Buckeye.

Inspiration: Who shapes the Buckeye mayoral candidates' thinking?

Who in public life, past or present, do you admire most? Why? And what lesson do you draw from that person’s experience? 

Orsborn: It is always hard to answer this question because there are so many people I admire. First, I have the upmost admiration for our military. Being a part of The Blue Blazer Squadron and Fighter Country Partnership allows me the opportunity to meet and build relationships with leadership at Luke AFB. I learn an incredible amount from them and can take ques from them in my civilian capacity. Another person I admire is our former Mayor Jackie Meck. Mayor Meck has worked for decades with previous councils to make decisions that have led to the success we are experiencing as a city today. Having the ability to see him in action over the last decade was a blessing for me as it gave me a front row seat not only to the plans put in place for our community but also the chance to see a leader in action.

Election integrity: Where do the Buckeye mayoral candidates stand?

Do you think Arizona elections are fairly run? Do you trust the results? Will you abide by them? Why or why not? 

Orsborn: Arizona elections have been recognized as some of the best run in the United States. We have been a national leader in early voting – ensuring that people are able to conveniently and accurately cast their vote with rigorous reviews to ensure that the voters are counted fairly and accurately. We have also taken measures to increase ballot security, eliminate ballot harvesting, and remove inactive and deceased electors from our rolls. Locally, we have an excellent clerk who does an amazing job running our elections. Certainly, there is always more that can be done to increase our election security in our ever-changing world, but I trust the results of our elections and will abide by them. I understand that this is a hot-button issue, but we must do what we can to instill faith and integrity in our election system.

Reach the reporter at [email protected] or by phone at 480-259-8545. Follow her on X, formerly Twitter: @AlexandraHardle.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Buckeye Mayor Eric Orsborn gives his priorties prior to election