Chelsea Clinton Is Standing Up to Sexist School Dress Codes

The 2015-16 school year has just begun around the country and already issues with dress codes have come to light. Yoga pants in public institutions are on the chopping block; a 15-year-old’s revealed collar bones drew a violation; and facial piercings, hair color, and hemlines have all raised issues. But now, with students taking action on social media and gathering national attention, the cause has even caught the eye of Chelsea Clinton.,

The new mother, leading The Clinton Foundation’s No Ceilings team and collaborating with MTV’s Look Different campaign, will draw attention to gender biases and the gaps that keep women and girls from fully participating in education around the world.

“Sometimes, something that might seem small like a dress code policy, is actually one of the ceilings that we know girls face even if they’re not in class,” she said, speaking to sexist dress codes. “If they’re continually told that what’s most important about them is what they’re wearing or not wearing to school, what does that do to their self-confidence? What does that do to how they define their own dreams and their own worth and value?”

Clinton pleads with those that can make a difference: “I hope that it’s an issue that parents and policy makers take seriously,” she added. “Because no girl should be judged by what she chooses to wear or not wear.”

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