On climate crisis, Joan Baez is right: ‘action is the antidote to despair’ | Opinion

Climate whiplash

California doubles purchase of electric trucks, buses and vans” (sanluisobispo.com, June 7)

I appreciate that The Tribune and other newspapers are increasing coverage of our climate crisis. I’m probably not alone in feeling whiplash on this topic. One day we read that May was the 12th consecutive month with average temperatures higher than all observations since 1850 — probably the highest in more than 100,000 years!

The next day, The Tribune reported the good news that California has seen a doubling in the sale of electric buses, vans and trucks in one year. To help combat despair, we need articles such as that one, giving us some encouragement and hope for transformative solutions.

And, quoting Joan Baez, we need to remember that “action is the antidote to despair.” This action may include taking steps to reduce fossil fuel use in our lives while amicably conversing with others about climate change.

We are in the midst of the most consequential race in history—a contest between our suicidal use of fossil fuels on one hand and, on the other, actions and policies that transition us away from the dangerous path we’re now on. I’m hopeful that, working together, we still have time to preserve a livable planet for all of Earth’s inhabitants.

Jim Wright

San Luis Obispo

Remember the Mobile Crisis Team

Grover Beach police release video of officer-involved shooting,” (sanluisobispo.com, June 7)

Regarding the recent police shooting in Grover Beach and as someone who has a family member with mental illness, I’d like to issue a reminder to everyone in SLO County. If you see a person who is agitated and possibly a danger to themselves or others, in our county we have a Mobile Crisis Team available for emergencies of this type 24-7 by calling 1-800-783-0607.

Team members are trained to deal with someone who isn’t in a normal state of mind and to deescalate the situation for the benefit of the person themselves and public safety. They are an agency of the county and work together with law enforcement to resolve those types of issues. They also have a non-emergency number for mental health issues which is 1-800-838-1381.

A. Lopez


GOP Reactions to conviction

SLO County Republican Party still backs Trump after guilty verdict” (sanluisobispo.com, May 31)

In the article in which local members of the GOP cited their fealty to Trump, certain statements by Randall Jordan and Andrea Seastrand need to be addressed. Jordan states that DJT was brought up on charges for his personal lifestyle. Wrong. The case wasn’t about DJT’s extramarital dalliances, it was about falsification of business records for which he was found guilty of 34 counts.

‘Jordan also complains about open borders. He fails to cite the bipartisan bill authored by Oklahoma GOP Sen. James Lankford that the GOP-controlled House wouldn’t bring to a vote because DJT wants to run on immigration.

He also claims the nation is suffering from runaway inflation. The inflation rate for the 12 months ending in April was 3.4%. He further cites rampant crime is raging in the U.S.. FBI statistics dispute his assertion. As to what he is referring to when he cites “the tearing down of the family unit,” one can only guess.

Seastrand called DJT’s trial a weaponization of the legal system. An example of weaponizing the DOJ would be telling Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty to tax evasion, making false statements and campaign violations, that he would be sent back to prison if he didn’t stop writing his tell-all book about DJT. He wouldn’t and the DOJ, under leadership of Bill Barr, sent him back to prison. Cohen appealed and the courts agreed that the DOJ overstepped its authority. That, Ms. Seastrand, is weaponizing the DOJ and Trump authorized it.

Bill Tkach

Paso Robles

A ‘sane assessment’

In this MAGA corner of California, the GOP offers an audacious defense of Donald Trump,” (sanluisobispo.com, June 5)

Thank you for Stephanie Finucane’s column about Donald Trump. Finally a sane assessment of Trump’s shenanigans. His followers have mounted a brazen attempt to distract from what the Manhattan case actually reveals about the guy. They are trying to cover up his blatant disregard for family values and common decency.

P.S. We really need advice on how to talk to our children about this disgusting situation.

Carol Swain

Morro Bay