'Cougar Town' Cast Tease Their Favorite Season 3 Moments

If you're not watching "Cougar Town," you're missing out on some of the best gags on TV. From the return of the penny can to cul-de-sac zip-lining and even a "Scrubs" reunion, Season 3 is chock-full of memorable moments.
Last week, Cougar Town returned with an engagement as Grayson (Josh Hopkins) finally popped the question to Jules (Courteney Cox). Now that they are officially engaged, it looks like a beach wedding is in store for the "Cougar Town" couple.
"There's definitely going to be some friction as to how and who she picks as her maid-of-honor," Hopkins told HuffPost TV at the New York "Cougar Town" viewing party earlier this month. "That's a tough choice between two friends who are jealous of each other. But don't look at me. I'm Switzerland!"
But if you think that Grayson and Jules' Season 3 beach wedding is somehow going to lead to a baby in Season 4, think again -- Cox herself is squashing those baby rumors. After all, what would Jules do without her wine?
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"Can you imagine Jules without her wine," Cox asked HuffPost TV. "Oh, no. That's not even up for debate. She can't get pregnant."
This season will also see both Laurie (Busy Philipps) and Bobby (Brian Van Holt) enter new relationships. Bobby falls for Travis' (Dan Byrd) professor, played by "Scrubs" alum Sarah Chalke, who will be hanging around Gulfhaven for five episodes. Unfortunately, fans of Laurie and Travis will have to wait for Season 4 to see if those two work out their sexual tension. This season, Laurie will find herself a new man via Twitter, and a new profession when she opens up a bake shop.
Actor Dan Byrd doesn't seem to mind Laurie getting busy with a new man. "Personally, Busy is like a sister to me at this point, and the idea of having to kiss her ... she's obviously a very attractive person, but it kind of creeps me out," Byrd told HuffPost TV. "I think it's more interesting having that kind of tension and having the back-and-forth banter than actually crossing the line. Nobody cares after that. But they'll definitely continue to tease. In the finale episode, they get closer than ever before."
Of course, Travis will have his own tortured love affair ... with his helmet. Expect Travis to spend eight episodes this season wearing a helmet after he fractures his skull dog-boarding (Bobby's new invention). In real life, however, Byrd has to wear the helmet to make up for his major hair faux pas last season.
"I didn't have to get my hair done which was nice," teased Byrd. "It saved a lot of time! I was expecting to wear it for two episodes, but then it turned into eight. I had a funky hair cut last year that Bill didn't like, and he's made no secret of that, so I guess this is a way for me to learn a lesson the hard way. Now I'm incredibly conscious of my hair. I'm not going to try and grow it out again on TV."
Byrd may have learned his lesson, but that doesn't mean that creators Bill Lawrence and Kevin Biegel are going to let him forget his hair disaster. "He looked like a moron with his hair in Season 2, and after asking him eight times to cut his hair, Bill and I decided that we needed to bring in the helmet," said Beigel. "The funny thing is that I think everyone liked his hair, and it was just Bill and I who really hated it."
As for Ellie (Christa Miller) and Andy (Ian Gomez)? They have their hands full with their "demon seed of a child."
"He's really kind of a nightmare this season, like Damien in 'The Omen,'" Gomez told HuffPost TV.
Click through the gallery below to see what other can't-miss moments you can expect for Season 3.
Courteney Cox

Busy Philipps

Christa Miller

Josh Hopkins

Dan Byrd

Ian Gomez

Brian Van Holt

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.