Courtney Fuhrmann: Who Was The Woman Arrested With Damon Evans?

University of Georgia Athletic Director Damon Evans met with an attorney yesterday and publicly apologized for his DUI arrest Wednesday as more details emerged about the incident.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports:
Evans apologized for making a "grave, grave mistake" but said he hopes to remain in his post.
Evans apologized directly to his spouse, Kerri, who sat quietly nearby.
"I have a beautiful wife who's going through a lot right now, which haunts me and troubles me," he said. "I've hurt everybody. I do feel like my actions have put a black cloud over our program."
Courtney Fuhrmann, a 28-year-old graduate of Georgia Southern University and a real-estate firm asset manager, was a passenger in Evans' car Wednesday and was also arrested during the traffic stop. Evans called Fuhrmann as "a friend."
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Lalate reports that Fuhrmann tried to leave the scene several times while Evans' sobriety was tested, leading to her arrest.
Evans said felt like his actions put a "black cloud" over the school's sports program.
This article originally appeared on HuffPost.