Craig Gilbert: Ron Johnson needs to maximize his base, and draw in some anti-Trump Republicans, to win reelection
Republican Sen. Ron Johnson faces a Wisconsin electorate that is more negative toward him — and more polarized over him — than ever.
He has lost significant ground in the past few years with key voting groups such as women, moderates, independents and suburbanites, including voters in the once lopsided GOP stronghold of the “WOW counties” outside Milwaukee.
And the dividing lines over Johnson have deepened since he was last on the ballot in 2016.
The gap between how Republicans and Democrats view him was large then, but it’s even larger now. So is the gap between how conservatives and liberals view him.
The senator’s name recognition has grown to its highest levels. But the electorate has hardened around him. There are far fewer voters than in the past who are “undecided” about Johnson, which could make it harder for him to improve his image over the course of this campaign.
These are some takeaways from a detailed analysis of nearly a decade of polling on Johnson by the Marquette Law School.
These polling trends don’t mean Johnson can’t win this fall. His race is expected to be very competitive. Voters will be measuring him against a Democratic opponent, but we won’t know who that will be until after the state’s August primary.
The two-term senator has real political strengths: incumbency, an enthusiastic GOP base and the political tailwinds of running in a midterm election against the party of the president. Given the history of midterms and President Biden’s negative job ratings, 2022 is expected to be a good year for Republicans. For all these reasons, some nonpartisan analysts think Johnson has a better than even chance of getting reelected.
Johnson faces perils
But whatever strengths Johnson brings to his bid for a third term, his current standing with the Wisconsin public poses some real perils.
Over the past year, Johnson has suffered through his longest and deepest period of unpopularity since Marquette began polling about him in early 2013 — a stretch of 61 statewide polls.
Combining the four surveys that Marquette has done over the past nine months, 35% of registered voters view Johnson favorably and 44% view him unfavorably — a net rating of minus 9.
Johnson has received his highest “negatives” ever (the share of voters who view him unfavorably) in Marquette’s last four polls.
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Compared with his peak in popularity in the pre-pandemic year of 2019 — when his average favorability rating was plus 10 — the downturn is notable.
“There’s such a striking decline, and it’s a decline that has been sustained through 2020, 2021 and now into 2022. So, it’s not a short-term fluctuation, but a strong trend,” said pollster Charles Franklin, who provided the data used here. Franklin is professor of law and public policy at Marquette Law School, and director of the Marquette Law School Poll
“And we see that downward movement across most of the groups we looked at. In that sense, I think we can be quite confident the decline is real,” Franklin said. “But what we can’t be as confident about is whether it’s reversible.”
For this analysis, Franklin and I examined Johnson’s popularity with different demographic and political groups: men, women, old, young, liberal, conservative, urban, rural, suburban, etc.
Then we compared Johnson’s current standing among these groups with two earlier periods in his 12-year Senate career: 2019, when he enjoyed his best-sustained ratings in Marquette’s polling; and late 2015 to early 2016, which was Johnson’s low point in popularity before now. In that five-month stretch, he averaged a net rating of minus 8.
That earlier dip in Johnson’s numbers is significant for several reasons.
Johnson has come back before
One is that it illustrates how Johnson has come back from poor ratings before. His net favorability improved during the campaign year of 2016 from net negative to net positive. Johnson won his bid for a second term that year by 3 points over Democrat Russ Feingold.
But a comparison between then and now also points to the challenges Johnson faces.
By this time in the 2016 election cycle, Johnson’s ratings had already begun to improve, from minus 11 in the fall of 2015 to minus 4 in February of 2016 to plus 1 in March of 2016.
We haven’t seen that kind of recovery yet in this cycle. Johnson’s ratings were minus 7 last August, minus 6 last October, minus 12 in February of this year and minus 10 in April.
Johnson’s name recognition is also significantly higher today than it was back then. Fewer people don’t know him or are undecided in their views of him. Almost 40% of voters six years ago didn’t know Johnson or had no opinion of him, compared with around 20% today.
That could make it harder for Johnson to improve his standing this time around, since public opinion is firmer.
“If the magic of 2016 (for Johnson) was to convert ‘don’t knows’ to ‘favorables’, this year it looks like people who didn’t have an opinion are being converted into ‘unfavorables,’” said Franklin.
Electorate more polarized over Johnson
Finally, the fault lines in the electorate are deeper today than they were back then. People are more polarized over Johnson by party, by ideology, by gender and other measures.
Compared with Johnson’s previous low point in late 2015 and early 2016, the senator has increased his popularity with groups that lean Republican, lean to the right and were already supportive.
Johnson’s rating has risen from plus 50 six years ago to plus 57 with Republicans; from plus 33 to plus 46 with self-identified conservatives; from plus 15 to plus 26 with born-again Protestants; and from plus 2 to plus 9 with white noncollege men.
At the same time, Johnson has grown that much more unpopular among groups that tilt Democratic, tilt to the left and were already negative toward him.
Since 2015-16, Johnson’s popularity rating has gone from minus 50 to minus 73 with Democrats; from minus 54 to minus 76 with liberals; from minus 31 to minus 45 with nonreligious voters; and from minus 19 to minus 32 with urban voters.
In other words, compared with a similar low point in the previous election cycle, Johnson is doing better with his best groups and worse with his worst groups.
The fact that Johnson’s negatives have spiked among Democrats and liberals may not be a big deal, since these are voters very unlikely to support him anyway. But as Franklin notes, Johnson’s growing “salience” for these voters could help Democratic turnout.
Huge partisan gap toward Johnson
In Marquette’s recent polling, there is now a massive 130-point partisan gap in attitudes toward Johnson: plus 57 among Republicans, minus 73 among Democrats. That gap is significantly bigger than it was from 2013 to 2019.
Why has the electorate increasingly polarized over Johnson? One reason may be that voters are more polarized in general. Another may be Johnson’s increasingly outspoken support for Donald Trump, the ultimate lightning rod in American politics.
But as Franklin points out, it’s really since 2019 that public opinion has grown markedly more negative and polarized over Johnson, and Johnson had already strongly aligned himself with Trump by then.
Several hugely divisive events have occurred since 2019, however: the GOP effort to decertify the 2020 election; the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol; and the pandemic that began in early 2020. Johnson’s rhetoric on these issues has attracted a great deal of attention and controversy. During the pandemic, the senator has blasted health agencies and medical experts, promoted unproven treatments and questioned the broad push for vaccination. In Marquette’s polling, most voters — including about one-third of Republicans — are skeptical toward Johnson’s statements about COVID.
Johnson’s decline in popularity since 2019 has occurred among almost all groups. That’s not surprising, since we’re comparing his nine-year polling high point with his nine-year polling low point. But the decline hasn’t been even across groups.
Johnson’s slippage has been minimal among pro-Trump voters and voters who describe themselves as “very conservative.” It has been very steep among Democrats and liberals.
But it has also been pronounced among some more politically mixed groups that aren’t as lopsidedly red or blue.
Comparing Johnson’s average net rating in 2019 with his average in the four most recent Marquette polls, Johnson has gone from:
Plus 6 to minus 16 among women.
Plus 18 to minus 20 among voters 70 and older (the sharpest decline among any group we looked at).
Plus 5 to minus 28 among moderates (the second sharpest decline).
Plus 18 to minus 5 among voters in denser, metropolitan suburbs.
Erosion in the WOW counties
That suburban erosion can also be found in the “WOW counties,” the three suburban counties outside Milwaukee that for decades were a bedrock source of lopsided Republican support: Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington. In 2016, Johnson easily outperformed Donald Trump on the same ballot in these three counties.
The “WOW counties” have been growing less Republican, and the recent decline in Johnson’s ratings in this region is striking. Since 2019, his net favorability rating in the WOW counties has dropped from an average of plus 41 to plus-8 in the last four Marquette polls combined. (That last figure is based on a four-poll sample of 339 WOW-county voters, with a margin of error of 5 percentage points).
This raises the question of whether Johnson in 2022 can replicate his 2016 vote in the WOW counties, or whether he needs to make up any erosion there in increasingly red rural Wisconsin.
Johnson is quite popular today with pro-Trump voters in Wisconsin (those who view Trump positively), drawing a net rating of around plus 60 in recent years. But his rating among anti-Trump voters has steadily worsened, going from minus-24 in 2016 to minus-45 in 2020 to minus-58 this year.
Trump is quite unpopular here. In Marquette’s last poll, 36% of voters viewed him favorably and 58% viewed him unfavorably.
In that sense, Johnson’s political future may depend on maximizing turnout from the party’s pro-Trump base while still winning over some anti-Trump Republicans and independents.
The polling suggests that in the past two years, Johnson has positioned himself better for the first task than the second.
Craig Gilbert provides Wisconsin political analysis as a fellow with Marquette University Law School's Lubar Center for Public Policy Research and Civic Education. Prior to the fellowship, Gilbert reported on politics for 35 years at the Journal Sentinel, the last 25 in its Washington Bureau. His column continues that independent reporting tradition and goes through the established Journal Sentinel editing process.
Follow him on Twitter: @Wisvoter.
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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Polling on Ron Johnson shows striking decline. Is it reversible?